Hello c:

Well since my last account said it had been suspended I thought id make a new one and start fresh . So hello to everyone on the forum (:

It’s a problem with the forum. You should be able to sign in on your old account now.

Welcome back to the forums! ^^

Well, if you were actually suspended, you shouldn’t be here.

But if you’re talking about the big suspension page that we were seeing earlier today, that was a server issue and had nothing to do with your account.

Yea earlier today it said my account was suspended, but I didn’t so anything I wasn’t suppose to ? Just a while before that I was on my account with no problems , then all of a sudden it said it was suspended , I thought it was because I mentioned playing someone who had unreleased arks ? I thought maybe that’s why it got suspended

Ploks everything is fine :wink:

The ‘site’ got ‘suspended’ from the server, has nothing to do with you. The site getting suspended would basically mean… the host of the server suspended this site (or an automatic thing did) because of, say:

  1. Hunter Island developers didn’t pay them properly (doubt that was the case, but giving examples).

  2. Too much activity on the forum, maxed out the resource limit for this account and so it was temporarily blocked.

  3. A server bug. 

We can delete this account or your other account, if you wish

Can you delete my other account ? My name on the other account was PHAYZE

But…this one has less posts and has only had one thread: this one

Lol hi guys juz seeing how other members r doin