Weekly mission 3

What time will mission 3 be released I’m in aus and it’s already the 28th here

Too easy. No challenge in getting them. Besides, nobody would do events if it was easy to get powerful, unreleased arkadion in an egg.

It took me a day to win 30,000 gold. Imagine what it would be like if this egg was implemented. Anyone who spends their time mastering the spinning of eggs can instantly become one of the best hunters in the game. Or, it would encourage pay to play…

Edit: oh, I thought you meant an egg that can be bought. Lololol. I get it now. Makes more sense. But still, that takes away opportunities for future events. Can’t have a triphoon event if tons of people already have it. It would be like making a Bloodclaw event. Several people already have it…wait…never mind, most are cheaters, so they don’t count…but you get the idea.

Now, if this golden egg was a one-time holiday reward…THAT would be fantastic. Nice Christmas gift in my opinion.

New mission soon?

Soon, yes

What time would be next mission available? Any minute now? Or should i sleep first? Its 2am manila time…

The mission should be posted on the official facebook page almost A Day in advance so Think its okay for u to sleep :slight_smile: