Using potions on Monsters.

I currently have three monsters that I want to pot (legendaries)

Atrahsis, Lavaronix, Shivadragon.

Out of these, Lava and Shiva are at +7 and atrashis at +2. Now, my question is should I first pot the other two to +9 and then atrashis or just let them remain as they are. I use lava in fl so if I do pot it to max, will their be a considerable change in its speed and tu. Also how does the speed boost work. As for shiva, do I need it at +9. I only use it for Hoardes.

Potions do almost nothing after 5. You should get as many monsters to +5 as possible.

Some do need +9 though

Lava need 9 and atra need 8

What’s atra need 8 for?

To max his sec for his moves

That 1 extra second is that important to use an extra 3 potions on? I would think that other monsters would be more important.

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it matter in pvp and if you use a monster a lot than it’s best to potted to 9. It separate good from great players

Would you rather have atra at +8, or delugazar at +3 and atra at +5? Which one would have a greater total impact?

It depends on whether or not you use them in FL.

If it’s a FL monster +9 doesn’t hurt :wink:

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Atra since B.B. double bloodthirsty will make him time food since he only +3

Still a lot less time food then he would be otherwise, with a much smaller window. So that 1 second is worth more than 14 off of double bloodthirst?

Yup because atra charges in 42 sec and kill everything in 84 sec. i would’ve gotta 2-3 kills before B.B. even get charged

Yeah but wouldn’t Atra rather necro stuff?

Necro the same speed as his bloodcrave so it work both way