Update Update

Better, gives them sleep-immune AND stay stun immune. It sounds op but TK’s have low def and hp in comparisons to other mons. The shocking entrance legends have more def and hp then TK’s.
Chrono-Killer instead of Sleep-Killer to kill newer legends with granting turns moves like overwatch, roaring entrance, stun inverter and GT/TT of course.

First of all,this game is more than just PvP,I have TK but I didn’t put them on fl since I have other choices. But I agree with you and that’s why I said new move since AOE can pass HG if we give them passive like pengborg.
Secondly,secret skill is for those legs that are desperate. TK are weak but not that much.they can easily get OK with little help.we doesn’t want another OP monster.changing bloodthirsty to bloodfury is “so-so”,they can get OK with that but since they are fast and stun immune, it maybe lead them to be OP,that’s why I always suggest combination of pengborg passive on their currently moves(a move I called it"snipe shot").
TK are great at state and that means with only one little help they will be fine.

F2P Arash

Rexo and Kami got little help bit now they can kill 3 times (!) before they can use bloodfury. Of course bloodfury activated after 1 kill but Rexo and Kami have now Timestrike, Sudden Death and their secret skills. Maybe give TK’s Toxic Killer instead of Protector-Killer? So Sleep and Toxic-Killer. This would badly harms Tridrakhan and other fast poison legends.

Shadow and kami in my opinion are perfectly fine and need no changing

Nobody said that they are bad. But the more newer legends come with crazy movesets, the less good will be TK’s. They are not need a buff now but in the nearly future we’ll think otherwise. Last Biters never need a buff they are god-like.

Although you are a great player,but I (sorry to say this) must take a word against your idea bro,right now you can’t use them.players like you don’t need them since you can easily build teams with your collection but players like me seeing them as their only chance to stand against sleep. They aren’t great at killing and aren’t useful for support but I got him from a leg egg!!!that egg could be a sleep monster and I could be higher than just second GK,so I want to see some action from them.
Ofcours I don’t want to destroy meta of game that’s the reason I’m asking the other’s idea too.they could be a bit better,just look at their move,kami can’t kill any sleep monster(except wraithcaptain) and can’t kill any protector(they have HG) so what’s the use of Bloodthirsty?!!!
Lochi you were in game far before I come so just look at balance of game(don’t look at your team since you don’t need TK), they really need help.

F2P Arash

I think you still need to learn that not every legend can be top tier. Of course the TKs are on a little way down right now, but thats just whole meta moving back and forth. In my opinion theres no need to change them.

Oh come on,if devs give me another 5rare gems and in return wants my kami,I’ll gladly accept it.

F2P Arash

Tell me why I should use Kamiwyrm or Shadowyrm over Tridrakhan.

280 seconds to charge bloodthirst is too much.

Stun immune,very fast monster, bloodthrist, not weak to toxic killer

Tridrakhan steps on their toes. . .

. . .oh wait. They are snakes.

With tridrakhan doing their job better there isn’t a reason to use them. They need sonething extra to differentiate them from tri.

Vs stunning entrance, doesn’t kill things in 1 hit(meaning it takes 140 seconds to kill instead of 100. So they are slower.), poison eater, swift dual venom sleep killer.

Don’t forget tridra has secret skill too!!! TK needs help but I’m agree with most players,we must make sure they don’t get OP,change their passive to sleep immune and give them the move I suggest(snipe shot) and they will be both weak(since galv and other stun monsters can kill them easily) and effective(since they can do their job,killing sleep and protector).
But as usual I will do what majority says :wink:
So back to topic,where is chapter 8? :smiley:

F2P Arash

Tri: kill ALL protectors and sleepers in 1 hit. Stunning entrence. Pretty fast (60% ish). Can use poison eater if lack of targets. Has a SS that can kill 2 in 1 hit / set up his poison eater.

TK: very fast. Stun immue. BUT: need 2 or 3 hits to kill a single protector/sleeper (rarly need 1). Cant kill anything without targets, and rely on a low damage and high tu aoe. Therefore, hardly able to charge bloodthirst.

So… with or without targets - tri wins. Even for support (i use dual venom sleep killer just to hit HG / overwatch monsters, to deal with them later).

I have both TK and tri, and even that TK are faster, i never used them. I actually put tri on FL because he is doing a much better job then them. Even with 60% speed.

will it be the new story and the black beast :o

Please remember this thread is for updates not buff discussions. Keep it on topic pls

Ok, sry. No buff discussion on this thread anymore.

What if I told you that you could finish top 50 in pvp running a FL with 2 TKs?

Z19 GaryOak

Deo, Kami, Shadow, and TT.

Cancer af

I would say you are a lucksack for having deodragon.

Or that running a duo twinkiller front makes up for the weaness by splitting it between them.