
I wish we could trade monster.

Yes but it’s most likely never going to be implemented.

Bad idea. All the reasons against it have been discussed in several other threads.

Yeah like someone opening multiple accounts and trading for endless legendaries between them.

I don’t see any problem with rolling a duplicate and being able to gift it however…

It’s the fact that the devs would never allow it they would lose money
And yeah we could have multiple accounts and trade between them for all the legendarys and monsters it wouldn’t be such a problem it would make the game more skill based as everyone would have similar monsters to choose from and the best player would be the one with most skill not the biggest pockets
But as I said before the devs would lose money as you would no longer have to spin the egg wheel
Trading would be good for us bad for them and they only care about themselves

Here’s a song the devs would like.

Hahahaahahahaha perfect

What about gift system.that be good