Time to fix Malware Wing

Same to mine.

Ive also kept a eye on malwing this pvp,

His sleep always has higher chance of sleeping a chrono user. I found this out and started to actually test it, so i swtiched my team to include bitterbeast and when i see malwing next in line i intend to make bitterbeast the next turn before i bring malwing, and to my surprise the sleep always hit bitterbeast.

Previously i only used to play mecha and razien as my chrono users.
And once malwing enters more then 70% of the time sleeps mecha or once mecha is dead and i have razien on board he sleeps razien.

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That is something which I observed as well from to time. Somehow I have a feeling that the next monster in the queue get slept most likely. Maybe these situations are the ones which I remember the most because it is upsetting me. But talking about an equally distributed sleep should be analysed statistically

Hello, again I found Malwing’s bug, he went in and slept himself. It was during a battle against Hailey.
@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD Thank you!



Samsgun Galaxy 8
Friend name: LDN Raghnius
Friend code: 34149885

Thanks for the report.
We heard about this issue once in a while. It is rare and hard to recreate.
But we may have found a problem causing this issue. We will try to fix it in the next update.
Sorry for the troubles.

p.s. I will close this thread cause it is too old. If you find any other thing, please post it in the “Please report new bugs here!” thread :wink: