Fix the UC glitches for crying out loud

So I’m on GK500 and have the whole enemy in sleep lock. Abyssraider comes in (I already killed frost cobra) and I immediately sleep him. He gets his turn anyway, poison gas while staying asleep, and wakes up the entire team.

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD

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:joy:. I’ve only seen a similar glitch once

I guess I’m just super lucky!

Next time I created a DR army before getting to the poison so even if it had glitched it wouldnt matter.

I got this glitch at shadow tower aswell. Almost lost because of it.
Also seen it happpen alot before.

I encountered 1 or 2 bugs on every battle I had yesterday

Poison and shield also glitch. Sometimes the poison hit triggers a miss but the shield is still there for some time, wouldn’t mind a fix.

Ya I get that one all the time. Its safest to wait until 2 poison ticks hit the shielded monster. Sometimes you cant a Ford to wait, I know, but if somehow you have 2 skips worth of time before Valza can CS you it can be worth the while to wait.

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Another bug I just found was this: I insta-killed choco in overwatch and he got a turn before dying.

Not sure if this is the same issue as @Boiler mentioned, but when malting comes in and sleeps the next enemy mon at 1sec, the enemy mon falls asleep but can still make a turn.