Time Freeze Discussion

Time freeze states that it allows no turn granting effects while on field, however, all forms of stun give turns to stun counters/converters. Should this be a thing? I think that normal time freeze should stay as it is, but some monsters should get Time Freeze+, which blocks counters and converters from getting turns (making them like regular stun immunes). A monsters which could have this is Huskegon awakened form. Thoughts of others needed


So you wanna have both Huskegon and Aetheron in one monster, interesting… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Read again, it only blocks active moves.

It was heavily discussed at the time when time freeze first came out and basically if we had passives that stopped stun counters/converters it would make stun way too good. Stun counter/converter are made in order to handle stun so having a way to switch them off is upsetting balance too much. It would be like having a passive that stops anyone from being purified… sleep lock would become super easy.

EDIT: If it worked more like Aethereon then that wouldn’t be broken… but like Coltraz says that’s combining two already powerful passives. Seems a bit too much.

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Hmm true, considering I am running stun immune spam I shouldn’t say this…:flushed:

Also I have made so many comebacks with just Scorpiogeist, other mons have been at 800-1000 sec and Scorpiogeist alone has sweeped the match.

However locking it behind an awakened I think is a fair move because stuff like Momo exists with broken stats or even a legend like Jackolene with broken entries

The last thing we want to do, is stop stun converters and counters gaining turns when they’re stunned.

In fact, let’s give them 3 turns.


Hunter Island moment

@ArcticTheHunter gets this

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Cancelled :skull_and_crossbones: