Thoughts on the new mythic Atlanachia

No thanks

Ah I misread. It was 1:00 am :joy: I take it all back

Reminds me of another monster with a 60sec Assisted AoE whose only justification is Time Attack

Btw what happens if Cetaskagon is hit by Early Trigger? Does it simply die like without killing anyone (like Bomb Curse monsters) or does it actually activate Megabomb?

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Plz no its like Cynthia 2.0. If u want her as fast sweeper . Give her this “cannot be used If u have another monster with skill deathsentence (pasif/revenge/entrance) included”

Its like oust/Exile but we can choose the opponent so It more fair around (136sec)


Early trigger 70tu with geartyrant would completely break pve.

How would it be like this? Cynthia sets up every newly entering monster herself. With death sentence you’ve either got to use one of her other moves first (100TU+) or use a teammate with death sentence, which are all single-use moves. If you combine her with Geartyrant she’d become like Cynthia… but that’s using two monsters on your battlefield to perform like one and Geartyrant is hopelessly bad in PvP.

Yeah it would be very powerful in PvE. I don’t think that’s necessarily a horrendous thing though. It’s nice to have the occasional mythic that’s very strong in PvE. Second form would probably have 130TU early trigger, so it’s just the awakened version that has the great combo. And anyway I would argue it’s not broken, just strong.

Yes I know ,but this one its instant kill ,Shield and hg can’t protect them.

Do u think “unlimited instant kill” its not to much with 70sec . This is not only in pvp but In pve .

Oust/exile its 1 time used but have 160 right? And awaken its 110? Why Atlanachia must have 1,5x faster sweeper then Christine and have similar sec like Cynthia. :thinking:

It can be the same with Cynthia is you combine her with an auto-poison monster and in her case that second monster is far better than Geartyrant! Honestly, having a 2-monster combo that can’t be used in the front line and is weak to any kind of disruption and disable doesn’t really flag any problems to me. I definitely don’t want to suggest another Cynthia, but I don’t think it’s close to that at all.

Comparing is to Christine is an unusual one. Christine has camouflage + shield entrance and is high speed with literally no setup required. They do share a way to kill off a dead weight teammate to charge bloodfury, but other than that they play out quite differently and have different strengths.

I agree. And that’s all.
Macabre Touch sounds neat for PvE.