The ultimate challenge

I don’t understand how people are biting when I was on floor 60 and godfeather couldn’t even bite an epic in one shot.

Not many have the legends to do it or the time.

You don’t one shot almost anything. You abuse type matchups. Just won floor 101 with biter because anzversions back line is assisted thunder. You have to try and clear most of the enemy team first.

Considering floor 100 seems to be top 100 ATM that seems like a fair assessment to me

Yep, i agree. I still think 70 should be enough since for most of the players (outside of this forum) who do not have legends or any powerful super epics will get Problems around Level 50-60

I got to 81 on my alternate account with don penguini.Its proving too hard to proceed further.

121 thanks to stun, soulstealer and give turn

Not every player, lol.
To be honest now first spin had been nerfed so not so many ppl have good monster at their first spin(legend).
Im still curious why they do that, forcing ppl to buy gems?
First spin = regular egg = killing newbies ?

I’m running a pretty effective stun & sleep strategy with leo polareon & goltail they just work perfectly together for this event but morphiese is storming ahead of me as per usual.

Blah, putting my Assisted Thunder to shame :cry:

Anyways, anyone at end game content should definitely be able to make it to 60. I just started the event today and put together a new team to see how viable it was and blazed through floor 61 with 6 mons remaining. Keep in mind I only have 4 legendaries, and lack many of the super epic utility mons.

Floor 70 is pretty accessible to the average end-game player with enough tries, although it may get frustrating if you’re f2p. I’d say 80 is the realistic expectation for the average end-player if they don’t want to spend a lot of time banging their head against the table and spending hours testing out new strats. That is enough already to guarantee the 4x super epic prize easily and extra potions.

From my experience, I’ve consistently been rank 300-400 when I am in the mid 90s at event end. I’ll agree that I find this event rather frustrating at times as I lack all of the best mons to pull the best strats for easier wins, but I’m rather happy with my usual result. In contrast, I excel at the endless dungeon challenges, and made my first successful foray to floor 80 last time to snag the 2nd legendary potion.

I’m feeling like the difficulty increases a bit for the first time after floor 60. The next time i’d say is around 75-85 where the enemy monsters are able to swallow much more damage than before

You can feel the buff starting around floor 40, but it’s not anymore than your average story mission buff. Floor 60 is where poison eater stops one shorting stuff.

I can’t go beyond 76. Time strike from the enemy literally one shot my 105 TU blitzdragon … +the element advantage though.

The only effective moves at this point are: bloodthirst, bloodfury, dreamhunt, and death revenge. The only problem with bloodthirst and bloodfury is that you have to activate it first -_-

Keep trying at it, you can get higher if you can get your setup right :wink:

Unless you’re happy where you’re at, then that’s fine too!

With my other account level 29 I managed to reach floor 66 XD . I use stun, survivors and double desperate strike only. My freeznix finished the ennemy team.

I feel like this time around less people are going to be competing than last time do to PoGo, I think 60-70 should get you easily in the top 3000. But who knows. When it gets closer to the deadline start making a push. Past 100 it is really people with an Atra strat, or several sleep legends.

I’m currently on floor 70, hopefully I can still get farther than that. My blood thirst/ give turn lavaronix-soulstealer frontline strategy has worked well so far.

Same feeling. 60-70 should most likely be enough for Top 3000. At least 70. Atra Strat still the most effective way to aim high in this kind of event

I’ll go to 260 to get the gems from the gate keeper and then stop I don’t have the patience like mophiese who’s racing this event as always.

Forget that, I’m stuck on 40.

Mind you I have next-to-no combos, and am quite new (maybe three weeks).  None of my super epics are fully evolved, and most of the few I have are poisoners.  I do have stage 3 for all the starters, but that’s not helping much either.

Silly me, I was hoping I might be able to sneak into the top 3,000 and get the monster.  I’ve yet to get any legendarys on the draws.

So tired, I had problems of upgrading app that when I entered the game ppl had already been 100 levels ahead of me, then I went to watch Jason Bourne and after I came back I saw I was like 240 levels behind, so frustrating…