the strongest player

In case anybody wondered: Here you can find a battle of Toru who went with Takuro in Game.

1-5. Take the compliment! It’s nice to see everyone’s admiration of Lemon here, but I personally think you clinch it with the way you can master a meta :slight_smile:

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Big ole :man_facepalming: moment

Remember, sometimes people don’t see the very top of the crop during pvp if they haven’t won their way into that matchmaking bracket! That could explain the variety in opinions

Please don’t use “Loki” and “RISE” in the same sentence ever again @ArcticTheHunter

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I might change my name to RISE Mr LoKi

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Or Risen? What do u think?

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SUNKEN Mr LoKi sounds fun


I absolutely advocate this.

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I’m surprised that some of the day 1 players ain’t mention some of the people. Sherlock the only one who mention them. But my list would be lochi, lightgm, Unown,Gmagic and Gary. They all good people and i always sit up when i match up with them


To many characters I think

I think it looks good, I remember me trying to enter in RISE but GMagic said no

SUNKEN LoKi should work then.

you must not have been toxic enough. try getting tips from memento mori then give it another shot

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@Unown Thank you for your kind words. I am very happy to help you. Many users think you are a great player. Of course I think so too, but I prefer your intelligent communication more than anything else.

@DonT89 I think your greatest strength is your ability to do what you say. When you hadn’t won first place yet, you said, “If I had the time, I could definitely win first place.” And then you actually won first place. I think you are a great player with great power to realize.

@TNCxXchaosxXf2p Thank you for choosing me among so many users. I really enjoy doing PvE commentary on Youtube. Therefore, I am very happy. I believe you are a amazing PvP player and you influence a lot of players with good discussions on the forum.


this is not possible

your words make me happy☺️


I KNEW Rise was your ED support group!!! Called it years ago!


not in particular order

@ILAGaLOT - og
@DMG_Daniel - bulldozer
@Josuinho - aggressive team
@Mr.X - mad tactician
@Yakuza - stab till not moving
@NMEGaryOak - crazy but it works
@NMEduck - best growth
@LemonSqueezy - strategist
@Phoebe - can be hell to face with
@DRACARYS - f2p strategist
@WroAceh - push and push
@Bouncy - spam all the generals
@Killerdog - stable throughout the years

there is a lot of good player but i forgot the names


I want to say thanks to everyone for their really kind comments. I was a quite bit taken aback when I woke up and read this thread the next day. In a different thread a few years ago I told someone that one day I’d like to one day be recognised for my PvP and team building, but I never expected so many people to put me up there with all these other incredible players. I talk to some of you every single day and so to be held in such high regard really is an honour.

So all jokes aside, thanks so much to you all :heart:

@Unown @TNCxXchaosxXf2p @DonT89 @GMagic @ArcticTheHunter @Killerdog @NMEGaryOak @Tanbeer @ItsSherlock @keets @TNC-GOD-ARES @mdeath


Stab to not moving? That sounds brutal :joy::joy: