The Labyrinths

Okay so I have gathered the four atarters again after making the Chronozeros and now I can ultra evolve any one of them to the super-epic form.
I know it’s very important to make a monster compatible with your team and I am top bad to be worst in team-building so can anyone suggets me which one will fit well in my team.

Go get yourself a galvbane


Galvbane fits anywhere in any team
Fast stun pulse in mid game might turn the table
Tho that fire starter seems good for ur team :v


Galvbane: Fantastic and deadly sweeper, but often burns out after a few kills, and is stopped dead by stun absorbers or stun counter.

Viridizardon: Generally just meant to be a firm support presence. Can lead with accelerate, and forces the enemy into a decent dilemma with retribution(discourages killing his teammates) and desperate bite(discourages killing him). Not terribly efficient though, and frequently finds himself standing around looking rather silly.

Wolfrozor: Lacks in damage, but somewhat makes up for it with the constant presence of low TU moves. Always has something to do, and can be quite a pain to kill with the healing his charge move offers.

Rexkong: Burns bright, but goes out rapidly. You can get a cheeky, early kill using throw with fodder you brought for the occasion, but after that, you either need other mons to provide more fodder for him, or just spam zealous attack hoping there’s something weak enough to die to it.


Great summary by Lucrayzor. Just want to add that Viridizardon is a very good option for PvE if you want accelerate team. My brother used it for a very very long time to accelerate his sleep monsters to use with his Geartyrant. Also, Wolfrozor is pretty good for all the early PvE content because it survives very well and if you double/triple charge before doing energy burst it easily kills things. Between slayerbane and the energy burst it has consistent damage output while surviving.

^ Those two are basically your survival monsters. Rexkong is the all-in throw monster that dies easily. Galvbane is known as the best because it’s a top notch sweeper, but it burns out as Lucrayzor says. In terms of end-game viability, Galvbane is basically the only one that makes it and people use it in PvP.


I’m so proud of the community right now

Okay then, Galvbane comes in the game