team for the dungeon where tiamat is

Hello guys,
i tried now for many days to get to tiamat. But the monsters in the dungeon before her are to strong for my team. Now I’m trying to make a good team for this dungeon. Could someone explain my some teams for this dungeon. Please.
And how is the Plasmorex Team made.

I hope you can help me

Plasmorex team is: you catch 4-5 plasmorex with 2-3 shadowlances, and you use the shadow ocarina. To train your arks before tiamat, there is a spot in 3 south 1 west of deucalis where there is always 10-27 biteschools. Go there !

ok than i only need 2More plasmorex to get 5
Thank you very much ByeBye7835 for the fast answer

Hmm, i dont do doubles but if u get many plasmorex that r lv 80+ but at least three in front then use their aoe move to destroy their lines of arkadions easily but i didnt do it that way since it was quite easy for me to even defeat tiamat

Don’t use the AOE on Tiamat obviously lol.
Do his single attack. Maybe put angelon next to em so he can haste / use offering, or make him 4th. Anubis works too.