Super epic stun counter

@MementoMori @TNCGodZeus
I mean no ill will towards TNC so I’ve removed the comment about that. To be perfectly honest, I wrote it mainly because I thought people would come to the thread and see these people who have the message saying it’s their first post and they’d immediately suspect they were TNC people. I thought rather than make people wonder and perhaps start throwing around accusations, and things getting heated, I’d put it out plain for all to see.

And if people didn’t notice then they’d probably be confused why there were forum people supporting the idea… I think most of us here would immediately shoot down the idea.


I liked Memento’s idea about not needing a SE with stun counter. If I could like a certain quote I would.
I am totally against clans war.
If all clans could live peacefully this place would be a better place.


I knew you were, but now you spoilt my funny little line pointing out the irony :frowning:

LOL sorry then :sweat_smile:
I didn’t mean to ruin it.

I play various games and for their anniversary they give away legendary and mythical gems and I am playing for 11 months neo moster and I do not see any of that for me the creators are very stingy and they only think about money and not players

At the anniversary they had a guaranteed mythic egg (if we bought a 10-pack, one-time deal). We had to put 40 gems into it (or 20 paid gems). Doesn’t look free… except they gave us more than 40 gems for login bonus and stuff at the anniversary so yes it was a free mythic for everyone, just not awakened.

Clan wars are kinda fun tho

We are tired we want to awaken a mythical at least because there are players who have played for 2 or 3 years and have never had a mythical awakening that is not fair

Only very few people have the pleasure of awakening a mythical and it is not fair and that your cres killerdog is fair or not

No one said this game has to be fair. If you don’t like it, then quit.

Who asked you for your hopinion I’m talking to killerdog


He’s a forum mod and you are asking him why he is posting in a thread?

Also, cool image you got there


Learn some #respect

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Sure you have mythical awake and you feel you have an advantage over other players, that’s why I am speaking on behalf of all those players that their biggest wish is to awaken a mythical and that if it is not buying gems, I doubt that they will succeed.

It’s all luck, some succeed some do not.

It’s all luck unless you pay for it

Not always, you could decide to pay for only one mythic in your time playing neo and still get nothing at all after $800 and 30-40 packs. It’s paying consistently that is the key.

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I meant that with ppl who don’t buy gems it’s all luck because it’s very unlikely to get even one awakened mythic but that’s not the case if you pay a ton

Okay but I did not like your words and this is a Fora to demand an improvement in the game not to fall in love with anyone

#DRAMA you just can’t hate this stuff :joy::joy::joy:

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