
To Drybones901: Yes, I see it after I was post… sometimes I’m a bit dreamer mood. And it’s very pity if you can’t choose the custom movesets or… oh!!! I know!!! Make a choose when you catch the ark and choose the option “customisable” or “not customisable” for example? This will be great!

To Ashley: I’m agree with you, this is the goal of the custom movesets! And with that, we can use some “forgotten” ark in the battle! Not always all the “wyrm” suffix and others x12 star rank.

I really love this game but one thing that annoys me is when you have captured a creature and then evolved it, when u see the U evolved creature it doesn’t register as caught it. It would be handy to have a little tab that tells u if uve captured it and what level.
Also it would be nice to see if u see a wild creature what evolution stage it is at because im sick of catching creatures that have a lower form.

It’s because it registers a new evo family

Apollorexus, he looks cool and thats about it, it seems to me that for a legendary he is horrible, as even super epics and some epics have better skill than him. yes his death revenge is good, but that about it, there is nothing else really that is good about him. I would suggest adding something like create duplicate, or blood clone(this might be to OP as its next in line). But at his current state he pretty much useless, as he costs 13 space as well.

thank you

Please don’t necro old threads that are for a old game with problems from new ones