
Well now Thats something Thats good and not good! Rich ppl would buy numerous eggs but its good if u can only get them in a fever

True but if they buy lots of gold that’s good for the developers and still it’s only 20% BA max, also is not like they are buying it directly, they still need luck to get those

I see ur point but this is too Much, maybe a grade booster for Every 20 lvls in the infinite dungeon? THE top player at THE lvls there is at 210 so Thats only 10 boosters, Thats way more fair!!

Please don’t add grade boosters in gold eggs unless you first remove the 5,000 gold prize.

This may get a lot of flack from the “gotta catch em’ all crowd” but what if you weren’t allowed an unlimited number of arks on your bench?  But maybe that bench size grew in proportion to your lineup.  Maybe 2-3 bench spots for each lineup slot.  

Here’s the other part which the devs should focus on.  To get more lineup spots you can buy them with gold.  This to me is a valid and worthwhile use of gold as opposed to a random chance to win something.  It lets you increase your bench if you are that kind of player but does not overly penalize someone who doesn’t want to.

I think this game needs to have more perks that can be purchased that don’t unbalance a single thing in PVP.  Other similar games have ways to buy more space, speed up growth, decorate your habitat, what have you.  You can pay to customize and not pay to win so much.  

But for that to succeed, the ability to target the gold bonuses on the wheel needs to be eradicated.

I agree with that, Jemnidad. I especially agree with adding more purchasable perks through gold that don’t cause the game to be unbalanced. 

Just so everyone knows. I think most people would agree.
I. Hate. Pay. To. Play. Games.

The thing is, though, that the developers have to make money to keep the game supported. A game with purchasable options is better than no game at all. 

So there’s a choice. We can have the payment occur through things that disturb game balance (pay to get new monsters, pay to get grade boosters, pay to have an advantage in PvP in some way) and we can have payment occur in ways that don’t disturb game balance (visual customization, more space in the line-up like Jemnidad suggested, ability to name monsters, character customization, etc.) 

I prefer the latter, the one that doesn’t affect the balance of the game in PvP and missions.

New arena! Have the new one be EE, DD ranks and have the rank SS be a egg only ark.


A whole new Arkadion instead of egg only!

Make it an insane amount? Say… 3.5k

So… you spin a gold egg and get a C galebat.


Okay, so you can either keep it or feed it. Obviously you’d want to feed it, because keeping it has no purpose (unless you don’t have a better grade/have it yet).

But I was thinking, what if you can add another option to “sell” the galebat? Perhaps for 20 gold or something? Maybe lower, maybe higher? 

Wait, hear me out. This option will ONLY work if you buy the gold egg with gold. There shouldn’t be an option to sell the arkadion you get from free gold eggs.

Also, this shouldn’t be the case with that 5k gold jackpot , or that may already be giving out TOO much free gold. But this idea gives the option to be “refunded”. While timers and lucky people can get the 5k gold, it’s not guaranteed. With this, you are guaranteed some gold for something that you paid for, expected to get something good, and then got something terrible.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who got a C galebat, guys. Or a D prickster.

My question is… will this be abuseable?

It would be great if we could get random eggs/golden eggs while walking around. You would have to make it very rare, especially for golden eggs, but it would be a great addition to the game.

That isn’t a bad idea. ^^ I can imagine it happening, and I agree with the rarity. 

Not sure if this has been considered, don’t feel like reading through twelve pages right now, but could there be an add on to arena, that maybe avoids the grind your monsters up as an easy way to beat it? I’m thinking something that tries to be more strategy based, like normalize levels like a pvp, maybe similar rules to pvp lineup, and perhaps offer the letter uprgrades as prizes? maybe like attempt a day, opponent changes strategies/monsters they have/whatnot every week or something, and can get one letter upgrade per week, otherwise just experience for fighting to keep letter upgrades tough to find?
also- in pvp, an added mode where you get like a set amount of stars verusus a  set amount of monsters could be interesting, might be a good way to add more strategy and diversity to lineups rather than a sort of madgrab for uberpowerful monsters. They will still have their place, but it could get limited a bit, ie- an omegwyrm could be swapped for two flash bombers or something, making some of the weaker monsters more viable. Seems like an easy way to increase viability of weeaker monsters, which should in turn make some of the uber-monsters a bit less “I have one and you don’t so I win” in affect. This seems like a good way to deal with those who either cheat or farm endlessly for teams of wyrms+eggs only, etc from making pvp impossible for more casual players.
Every now and then you find a pvp match with seemingly even-poowered teams which are fun cause they involve a bunch of strategy, but it sseems like veteran and expert ranks are very dominated by just teams of ridiculous strength (ie- not a single monster under 9 stars and s-rank), and it feels like it very much favors extreme seemingly obsessive farming over strategy. I would enjoy it much more if strategy was more involved. heck, even just adding like a 6 stars and below pvp or something, even if just for fun or reduced rewards would be much appreciated.

Well my thing is ur idea but then depend the price in silver or gold to rareness, like 500 silver for common and 1000 for uncommon and 50 gold for rare and 100 for super rare… or less maybe 

Random map encounters that unlock quest chains.

Beat another hunter in a duel and he/she tells you of a legendary ocarina or a powerful ark. You then have to travel around the map following the clues. Like talk to this bar patron in this city or travel near this river etc… There could be hints for the quest chains but do not use any indicators. Make it where ppl have to actually read the quest text.

Make the encounter rate low and only available after the game is complete. Then make the quest chains long and very difficult. I for one would love to have this available as it would be something to work on besides infinite dungeon.

I like the idea of having different stars categories in PVP, there are so many monsters in this game that once we catch them we won’t use them, and I think it’s a shame.
Having several categories would make the PVP more equilibrated, and we would use a greater variety of monsters. Currently, advancing on PVP you just find the usual omegawyrm, arkwym, barricadus, dried wolf, other worms and rare ones, so it is about who has the most powerful and rarest monsters, not so much about types and strategies.
I would love to fight on PVP using krakhan, gryphon, flamorider, frostknight, and others, because, honestly, I would never use them in PVP like it is right now.

I also like the idea of being able to listen to my music or pandora while playing, it would help a lot when farming.

An ability to defuse already fused ark.

eg. I caught a lot of raiohs and by the time I fused them, I accidentally chose A B A C & that ended up with a B raijin, while I was supposed to choose A B A B, which would have ended into an A raijin. Even if we have to pay 10K silver for it. I guess it’s worth it.

Also for pvp. As nowadays in masters, 80% of the time I will be fighting the charc & stego combo, and 99% I would lose so many times I didn’t click the screen and the screen got locked which of course ended up with me losing but I didn’t get any diamonds for it.

I had this problem too. The only quick fix is to turn off auto-lock or increase the time until it does so.
Trust me it’s worth doing!