ST 2.0 Mapping [complete]

If you said it for me, I corrected it a few minutes ago, as I copied the previous one … “I’ll miss it in the edition” :wink:


Great work guys, keep it coming! Thanks for making the results simple to read.

@NERO_Raghnius When you write _ _ _ is that 0% on the right door or did you just not remember what it said? On your third floor you have 1, 2 and 3 record but 4, 5 and 6 have “_”. I can’t tell if these were 0% or you simply haven’t reached them yet.

For anyone unsure. No message = 0%.

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There is a 6th battle on the third floor… what are you talking about?

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Sorry I didn’t noticed it’s 6 lol


Yes, exactly, if you say nothing it is 0%, I update it to be simpler to read (I am just passing through the doors on the right.). Sorry!

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I’d say no percentage should be taken as not done. Unless someone has committed to a side or middle, you have no clue which one of the paths is the zero

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I said it in the Line group, which was going to do the whole event through the doors on the right. :+1:


They should be interchangeable

like I said, if someone has committed to a path, it’s understandable. However, for anyone that hasn’t committed to either all left, all right, or all middle, it just seems like it would cause more hassle and confusion than it’s worth, because we don’t know what path you took unless you state it. I don’t care that’s just my opinion

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Floor 3

  1. __ 60% __ Ordov
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Great work everyone! We’re leaving very few blanks on this first run through!

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I feel like the phrase “legendary trainer” is used very loosely in this event @Dev_VKC especially at the lower floors :joy:


I don’t understand what you are looking for a Trainer for when we win they are not rewarded at all. Just avoiding them is easily possible across 12 floors

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I refuse to use that phrase in any guide I write on here. NPC trainer I will write if I really need to. It’s a bit cringey. I wish the Devs came up with a better name.

@VNchaohunter Having a map of the event is now much less useful. However, it will be good to either avoid trainers or purposefully fight them if we find that they are harder/easier than what we might meet if we face someone else’s team.


We will be using the trainers to purposely fight them.

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I’d rather fight a “legendary trainer” than some scorpogeist team lmao


TNC @Gatsu86 :wink:



  1. ___ ___ 40%
  2. ___ ___ 50%
  3. ___ ___ 0%


  1. ___ ___ 0%
  2. ___ ___ 70% White Crescent
  3. ___ ___ 0%
  4. ___ ___ 20%
  5. ___ ___ 0%
    I went through the doors on the right because they weren’t recorded yet.
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floor 1, battle 1 trainer is Jansen

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This is what I got:

Fifth floor

  1. — — 0%.
  2. — — 70% Trainer: White Crescent (Elian)
  3. — — 0%.
  4. — — 20%.
  5. — — 0%.
  6. — — 80%. Trainer: Gloria
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