Someone critique my team?

I seem to be dying quite a bit by Esapid, 

my team is:

Coldheart- level 88

Searex- level 88

Brakitorus- level 93

Freezebear- level 57

Shrubtooth- level 47

Frostknight- level 50

Stormfox- level 55

Snowstag- level 46

Nightmare- level 47

Goldram- level 40

Inferneo- Level 51

Pengboss- level 48

Galebat- level 43

Narlance- level 51

Dullakhan- level 51

Halopard- level 50

Beowolf- level 49

Flamogun- level 46

Remus- level 29

Duskroc- level 61

Gigaceros- level 54

This boss seems to just slaughter all my monsters so… at this point in the game I want to have a pretty solid team, if there is any advice as to monsters i need to remove, replace, reposition, or level up more please let me know.

Get a Lavarapter, Pearex and Rexy. You might also want a Levi that’ll evolve into a Leviathan.

Just try to farm some uncommon/rare’s and you’ll be fine, higher star’s = better stats