Showdown Tower bug

I’ve been going through the tower looking for trainer battles to maximise the gems I get from “consolation” rewards. Everything has been working fine until today on floor 9 I’ve suddenly stopped meeting any trainers.

As I understand it you have two cases:

  1. No trainer behind any door = no messages.
  2. Trainer behind one door = red, white, white with the red message indicating the most likely door they are behind.

On 9-3, 9-4 and now 9-6 I had the red, white, white messages however there was not a trainer behind any door. I thought maybe the fact I was playing over mobile data when doing 9-3 and 9-4 might have caused it but now it’s happened again I’m fearful about continuing. I’ll check 9-6 again tomorrow but if there’s no trainer I’ll go straight to support. I’m just writing here first to see if I’m not the only one.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Its not a bug at all :smiley:
To be more exact
white message means you have a low/mediun chance to find a trainer
Red message means you have higher chance of find a trainer
You still be able to enter on white/red message doors and dont find any trainer

If you don’t run into a trainer on a red door, then quit the fight. Retry until you do run into one.

Thanks guys, re-entering did the trick. Strange how I’ve always been able to find a trainer when going through each of the three doors once. Three times in a row it not giving me a trainer like that and I was sure something was wrong.