Shouldn't cheating be punished severely? Please give us a fair game, thank you!

Laugh at yourself, you are too funny! :joy:@Laxus

:joy:I didnā€™t imagine too.

All your lengthy posts read like a poem ā€¦ I like it


How strong the matter :joy:

Idk But it seems like he did something strange

I have chortles

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Maybe Iā€™ll interpret it sometime. Itā€™s definitely a wonderful story. Now I need to keep it a secret. Do you like watching the pirate king

I would like to hear it, can you tell me?

I am a grave :shushing_face::zipper_mouth_face:

Show us the proof @Sun !

descarga (5)

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no proof gg L


I am the best Jerbo user. Iā€™m the only one to get 8th place in ranked pvp while using it in my frontline.


Now it is your turn to become the best goldoid user .

Some of the players are just laughing, they donā€™t care about the good environment of the game, if only they knew I would come here to sell popcorn! :popcorn:


Passing by, selling popcorn, 3 dollars per piece :popcorn: :popcorn:


Cuz you need to show us proof.even devs are silent. I still believe you partially.
but all your posts have been big essays on righteousness. Nothing other than cheating bad, cheating bad,cheating bad.
We know cheating bad. Show us what kinda cheat they did.


Aside question, sun, what kind of person do you think I am?

A lying cheat , I think he has made that pretty clear.

P.s thatā€™s not what I think.

I know that I am violating the interests of the cheating players by doing so. Maybe I am a despicable person who is blamed by everyone, and maybe I am a poor person who is laughed at, but I am definitely not a ridiculous fraud made out of nothing. I donā€™t regret what I did. At least I was right this time. I just want anyone who cheats to get back to playing the game. I donā€™t want anyone to leave the game. If there is really any ironclad proof, it lies only in the depths of the cheaterā€™s sealed mind. What do screenshots prove? It is just a kind of Internet information transmission, the key is what your heart is willing to believe.