Shop update.

Updated shop FYI. Thoughts on these new mons?


Mine still shows the old legends. But if theyre changing it I guess I’ll never get Atra.

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Mine now shows the old also I guess they accidentally rolled this out too early and maybe just took it off but regardless we know of their plans now. A cutscene before it says the first purchase 50% discount doesn’t apply to these monsters.

Atra and all the others that were in the shop before were still there with the 50% off applying to them.

Love the dinosaur

Cringe cutscene. Lmao

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Updated shop is back online

Secret message to all to complain about things like give us back 2x gem deal or guaranteed limited
this is how we get threated for more than a half year after 3rd anniversary last guaranteed and 2x gem deal

Nice try customer
I dont give a s***

I have never seen that honesty from the responsible guys , devs are not meant :rofl:


Wow. @Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD way to stain something that would have been cool.

Thanks for telling us what you really think of us. You suck.

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Trash message to make fun of the community.

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That fake threat wasn’t funny and was frankly condescending.

Oh and for the record devs, our sword is bigger than yours.

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@GMagic haven’t you heard? Death threats are great comedy. Especially when directed at customers.

The other day it was hilarious when my waiter brought me the wrong kind of beer and implied that he could break the bottle over my head and stab me with it. A true riot. We all had a good laugh. Boy are death threats hilarious.


I personally would rather spend $12 for drafting in magic: the gathering then spending $12 here. $12 in neo gets me 19 gems. That’s about 5 eggs, or an ~18% chance of a legendary. Out of this, around half of the legendaries I get will be limiteds. So for $12 I have a 9% chance of something exciting happening to me.

For $12 in MTG, I can have 4 hours of fun, get to pick the cards I want to play with(45 out of a pool of around 400 cards), and get to play with my friends.

If I don’t want to leave my house for some reason, I can play MTG:Arena on my computer and get the same strategical experience for around $4. The price of a single egg in neo monsters, giving me a ~2% chance or 1 in 50 chance of getting something interesting.

Idk, one of these just seems like an objectively better deal to me.

At this point I’m just getting really tired of the whole attention economy. Everything and everyone wants me to pay attention to them. Throw my time and money at them, to the point where it almost feels predatory. I don’t want to be required to log in 4 times a day to maximize rewards. I don’t want to have to throw $300 at a game to have a chance of a new toy. I don’t want banners thrown in my face every time I log into a game.

It’s all just so exhausting. I just want to play a game for fun. Maybe improve my skill at a game. What happened to those days?


C’mon guys don’t be so sensitive.
Some of you are upset because they are teasing us in the game? Lol

We abuse the hell out of them almost every dam day. They bite back once and we get our panties in a twist.

I think that in game comment is funny.


I completely forgot you play magic. I did a couple of drafts this week for gold (free!) and went 7-2 both times. First deck was a mono black vampire deck with Sorin, 4x undead servants and graveyard recursion. Second deck was a W/U/R fliers deck with some aura synergy. This new set is a lot of fun. Going to do a draft with my friends next weekend.

Anyway… back to NM.
I agree with Saitama that I enjoyed the light humour they threw in. It’s better than them doing serious descriptions/instructions the whole time. I’m surprised people took offence to it. If it doesn’t ring with you then ignore it, don’t get your panties in a twist over a couple of lines of text that’s basically there to say “hey we added a brand new legendary into the shop but sorry we’re not letting you get it at a discounted rate”.

If anyone gets this then please let me know how much damage the entrance and the passive do! Preferably as a short video or screenshot of it being used in “test your team” so I can work out exactly how much damage it’s doing based on the enemy defence.

This monster has an insane passive but what’s even better is the link stun flash is infinite use!


Plus that Zeus can easily stun that lightbulb above 500 tu :smiley:

Why is nobody talking about the new added legendraries don’t have a discount?

Its probably because they are limited monsters but I dont see the reason why deodragon costs 12 tickets. Its useless.

I saw you write about this in Line too. I don’t think so… Zeus stuns for 100s to each monster so that’s 300s to your team. The highest TU move on Bulbieboom is 160 so it’s not possible to set off the bomb unless it’s already been stunned by something. It’s definitely a good way to set it off though, having Zeus by Bulb will give you opportunities to trigger it.

The new monsters added are the ones from the newcomer’s egg. Deodragon is one of those and technically it’s a rarer monster so it’s 12 tickets. There are definitely monsters to avoid and monsters to grab in the shop.

Remember when DeoDragon would just decimate a FL before you could blink :joy::joy: tough days

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