Shadow+demon pvp

Here’s what I’m opting to run. Anything I should change, bearing in mind the special rule, and feel to post and discuss your own teams

Put Raizen(the thunder god guy in your third slot) out of your FL to take advantage of stun retribution better

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Use void instead of that epic


What would I be doing with void? I can’t manage to charge bloodbath in pvp, especially without teammates worth killing.
The epic is only there to keep dusi healed

Wait a minute, what rank are you, I remember being destroyed by a team like this.

Yes, if I remember correctly, you were running that “first one,front line”

~140. I remember beating a team recently losing around 5 mons

Did you run that dream first one on front line, like yesterday?

You made me gave up :((

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I have 2 shadow monsters above 4 stars :frowning:

Put ahuizard in beside PG green and take off the 3.5 star at the end. Replace PG green or cryogolem with chronozeros, and take off gallio’s SS to balance cost. Also, move Persephia to beside your other two poisoners

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I would say use the Main ‘Team Building’ or the ‘PvP’ thread instead of making new ones

U can remove dead weights at least