SCB Utopion

So we’re offered this peekachooo-look-a-like monster for easter egg…

Relatively easy SCB compared with long-long-time-ago SCB :slight_smile:

just put your mons with payback revenge (to kill Deodragon), death revenge (to kill random monster), and 2 monsters with Camouflage…

i used Sanctistag, Emeraldeus, Rhynorunt, and Apollo…

Have a nice battle everyone… :slight_smile:

The last 4-5 SCB’s, I have been using the same sleep team. No need for readjustment, because the same strategy works for all, even though it can be countered easily with bane or something like that. But they always use the same mons for all SCB’s now, so there is no need for changing strategy :P.