Saberzor [Hit and Run] move stucks the battle

Caught that glitch while fighting one of biweekly missions. I used [Hit and run] on the monster with Payback revenge (Nebelronix). A little while after that one of my other monsters got killed and this bugged Saberzor reappeared on the battlefield with 0 hp (according to its hp bar) and broke my battle (unable to click on anything).
I think that happened cause PayBack revenge (or may be on this monster it still called Death revenge) triggers before [Hit and Run] move switch monster, so it survives with 0 hp and break everything. Plz fix this)


Thanks for the report, I will look into this!

Saberzor = super underrated

We implemented a fix for this bug, and it will be added in a small update either later today or tomorrow. Thanks again for the report. :slight_smile:

The interesting fact about this skill is,
If Saberzor kills a Payback Revenge monster or Death Revenge monster with Hit and Run, Saberzor can escape from the revenge!

This is probably not a good news for you @NMEGaryOak :pensive:

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Only needs to be an se and have auto protect and its good. Make more auto protectors