roughly how many wins,win% will land you on top 500, 1000 in PvP ?

Also can someone drop down from his rp saving point. Or he can remain on that save point for season

A year ago, about 1000 points could be the top 1000, now 4000 points barely 1000

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Points. Like RP points or is there any other point system in the game. 4k rp is almost like just 4 wins.

Nope it’s rating points
Just wait for rank pvp to see it urself
10k should he enough for top 500

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Yes I reached 11k-12k to stay under top 410

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So will it be counted after special rule has ended or it has already begun?

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Last PvP, I got 101 wins, last to last PvP season, I got 50 something wins with 45000+ RP and finished at 501, though I also reached 400s once. But now I have reached hero rank 107, maximum team cost which is 206 and I am using only 198. I get teams beyond my reach so now I will for sure not be able to claim the second reward of legendary potions at 120 wins and the shiny jadeboa.


There are two separate things:

  • RP (reward points)
  • Rating

RP is gained for the whole season and gives you the RP rewards. You get roughly +1000 for winning and -500 for losing.

Rating is only gained during the 3-4 days ranked PvP period (at the end of each season). You get roughly ±1000 for winning/losing. This is what determines your position for the ranked leaderboard.


Last time I won 50 battles , win rate was 55.56 % and RP 38000 and rank was 750 . ( Not that good rate though because I never bought a single gem ) . I think you need atleast more then 35000 RP

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Your ranking has nothing to do with how many RP you gain. It is all about the rating you gain during the three day period of ranked. Someone could have 200000k RP but still get rank 500 because they only god a few thousand rating.

I thought it was resistance points ( I play pc games more ) :sweat_smile: