Revert the Momo buff!

Haven’t tested it out yet

Man with this buff imma replace Jasmine with momo, cause she is just a tankier version of Jasmine while being a better stun protector.

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I think bloodfury would

I’m a proud raizen user
And i don’t think he has any chancw of bringin her to hg unless there’s another chrono mon

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I might be in the minority here, but I don’t think it’s OP at all.

Stun needs hard counters. So many people just throw a Searguard or Chromera before their shockers / Tranquil and it works.

If you don’t run stun, you’re not going to have a big issue with Momo. It’s slow and perhaps it will get one kill, but it should certainly die before it gets the chance to grab another.

Even if you run one shocker or tranquil, Momo will get an early turn and then likely die afterwards. It’s only an issue to people spamming stun.

Personally I’m a massive fan of this, even though I’m F2P and will never awaken or probably even get a second form


If any single kill bloodmove does it will be bloodcrave.
Bloodfury will not bring her to hh

My main issue is that the moveset is on the disgusting momo. I dont want to see her everywhere in PvP.


I love the paper bag idea!


Fastbreaker on something that has other strong stuffs to offer and will get turns frequently is kinda imbalanced

It’s somewhat comparable to Y Ddraig Goch here. When you take into account the adrenaline… gets a turn only a little bit slower and does piercing killing a bit slower (but with accelerate would be the same). Got the same defence and chrono weakness but has hold ground. The main difference is it doesn’t have tyrannical ruling, but it has stun counter instead.

Honestly, it’s pretty damn strong!

Idk why people still assume that all monsters die in one hit. I have seen Bastia tank one hit from Ahuizard’s 1-kill Bloodcrave, no way Momo is gonna die from any Chrono Killer (except Delugazar’s).


I doubt many people think mythics like Momo are easy to kill.

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This guy will solve the problem


In some instances yes Aethereon is still superior, but Momo got crazy good right now!


Yeah it’s strong, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable by any stretch. It’s not like a pre nerf Cynthia, which killed anything before it moves or Lemon/ Gremoris which will lock you out of the game.

At 33 speed If there’s no stun it’s going to use one move and most likely die. No one move it has is going to be particularly damaging other than the fact it will definitely grab a kill and that’s it. Other Myths like Christine will do that.

I guess the auto protect will make things difficult, but that seems pretty similar to how Skele is and then opens you up to stun. It still takes time to use.

I think it’s a very good monster and it’s tanky, but it’s not one that warrants a nerf thread or reversed changes imo.

I personally think fastbreaker pushes the limit of what we can see on a monster like this. I also don’t like to see too many S tier mythics coming out. However, I agree that reverting it is definitely not what I want.

Judging from some replies, I think the opposite. Just think of when Iridescezarc was first announced, and people didn’t realize how impactful a ×3 DEF buff when HP > 50% on a mythic protector can be.

I think this is comparable to Focal which you don’t rate highly. Low speed. Piercing attack. High-ish TU. However Focal can target anything, whereas Momo at least needs the TU to align.

Woah, no it’s way stronger! It’s tankier, has stun counter and some extra flexibility (repulsing, lifeflipping an enemy, shielding the whole team or healing itself while flipping into a protector). Fastbreaker guarantee one-shots literally anything and works on an enemy 60s or less so should have no real targeting issue.

The flexibility Focalforce offers is not on the same level! The only thing it has to offer that’s better is raw sweeping.


You were talking about Fast breaker. So the focal comparison was just in regards to that.