Regarding new Special Egg

I have 17 gems. I think if i should open egg’s iam afraid to get epics crap. I want Wraithcaptain he is Captain of Sleep . I wish you all good luck, this Festival - again only with 4% appearance for legi “facepalm” - has so so good Sleep Monsters!

PS: I try to build a Sleep-Team and can’t decide if i should open eggs at this festival or eait till i get 50 gems, i have now 17.

Wait fot a 50% - 60% - 100% pack, better rate to get legendeirs, and since you have only 1 you dont need to be afraid of dupes.
We only open them becayse we searh for a specific legendery, but in a beginner position - any legend is welcome. So wait for a better rate :slight_smile:

Sure ? Ok i will wait for better rate. I want these sleep monsters, but that’s wasted gems by 4%. Thx iSegal

Dont waste in this Event but if u want just spend 5 and save the more gens

Good, j’ve noticed that. Thx guys i am lovely wasting gems for eggs, that’s why i restarted so much in the past.

Rolled a 10in1 to get 2shinobi dupes then i rolled single eggs and got stormloch
Still worth it for my emeral,shadowhunter combo

One pack, one goldtail, worth it.


Single hatched, got goldtail. So happy


Sleep monster come from saving, not doing special eggs.

My luck is good in today morning
I opened 1 pack
And got Goldtail and frostrider

And also
My friend luck is better than me
He firstly open two eggs one by one and got ,epic and,Frostrider
Then he opened 3 pack and
In firstly Wraithcaptain and frost dupe
In second nothing interesting
And in third he got 2 legends
First Banedragon and second Hatewyrm

And the matter is not closed here
In first rare gem he got legend Dark element lethal survivor or instant shield

And second nothing serious dupe super epic

Wow, ok my expections are very low and i am happy about my 2 superepics with stun entrance. They match good with my team, that is what counts :).

Very good Luck

Wahhh, you guys are soo lucky. Anyone have goldtail that want to trade account??? I have 12 legendaries including soulstealer and other great legendaries. Im really desperate to get that fox​:cry::cry:.

why? He its a very cool but why For 12 Legendary account :0?

.haha, i really love goldtail, but i dont have her. But of course, i wont trade if his/her account has only goldtail as legend.:grinning::grinning:

I saw another guy Give to u goldtail account xd

yeah. He give me his spare. Now i dont have to trade my 12 legend account.:wink::wink: