Reducing poison effect time

Hey guys,

I suggest reducing the time of being poisoned to at 200 seconds, I dunno what it is now since I never had a poisoned monster lasting more than 250 seconds…

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Right now it is 500 seconds. I like how much it is… it’s a super long time but not infinite, so you can rely on it being there for as long as you need but can also sometimes delay long enough that it naturally ends.

400TU would be great tho… that’s just too much

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It’s too long tbh poison teams are massive pain in the ■■■…

It would also be great if the poisoned monster become immune after being cured

Yeah it’s too long.

If it’s poison teams with scoroeogist it doesn’t matter because the poisoned mons will be killed by poison eater in a matter of time.Its just pointless for me to keep a time which is definitely doesn’t matter if the mon’s were killed before poison ends

If we reduce the poisen time, then we have reduce the sleep time to.
Because i finde the time that a Monster sleep is harder then a Monster is infect by poisen.

Oh man! I read it twice to understand what you are saying.
I think…:joy:

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Oh my bad :sweat_smile: Edited

Sleep time very short…I forgot the exact time tho…

320 sec

I think it’s 320 more or less

Obviously less or 320

If you are poisoned you stay posioned until someone cure you this is the logic…

To me should not be any time in the first place IF we talk about logic here.

You can wake up from sleep, you can’t autocure poison.

By logic the body’s immune defence and organs will slowly get rid of the toxic substances so it actually makes perfect sense. Of course if the poison is too strong, the organs will fail before this happens.

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Yeah, but it’s a lot harder to put opponents to sleep than posion them. . Unless you got Lemon…

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Or slugs, or goldtail

Only if the poison lasts its full time

It would be something like the time the monster takes to create a poison immunity, an adaptation

Nice approach but don’t try to find medical logic on any game!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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