Rare gems

The best teams are always from those luckiest players.

Agree to disagree, for the most part. Some people have the strongest mons with no strategic ability and will win against people of comparable skill and lesser mons. Some of the strategies utilized by people I have played against are honestly incredibly impressive and so out there you can’t plan or muscle your way to a win regardless of having the best mons. They see the larger picture and match before it happens with little tweaks for an upcoming mon that might cause an issue. Just like chess if you are thinking three moves ahead against really good players you are already 6 moves behind and have lost without realizing it yet. I have ran into 3 or 4 teams that after the first 10 moves or so was certain I was winning, just to fall into their trap and lose badly. Good players will win over good teams. If I gave my team to some of the best players they would still perform st the level they are at with their current team. I would bet a months salary on it.

Unless your account is stacked with some s+ legendaries you´d lose your salary there m8, while you can outplay people who don´t grasp the basics of the game no matter how stacked they are ~ 600 ranking area.

At higher levels it´s all about certain legendaries ~1000 area, since your enemy will also know how to play so outplaying them by a large amount will most likely not happen and the need of a proper account becomes more dominant.

Now this is true, but a while ago with a good understanding of mechanics you could reach top 10. I did it with only 4 legends and I stayed there until banedragon and all the other new legends came along.

Valid logic. I can only take your word on this as I am generally in the high 600 to mid 700 range. I haven’t even smelled the grass on the field of the 900 range so I can’t speak to that level. Highest I have been was 858 I believe. Zard did confirm, so it seems like a plausible argument to my logic and I retract my statements that’s players with the top mons win out, so there would be luck involved in which mons have players receive. However, for my own peace of mind, I have to believe the top players aren’t all extremely lucky 8 year olds that couldn’t tell you what strategy was while holding a dictionary with the definition in front of them. If the only way to be competitive at a higher level in this game is to be lucky by cracking the top mons I would consider packing it in and giving away my account. I would then be a cat chasing his own tail just For the sake of it, or an excersize in futility. Put bluntly a waste of time and effort.

you need both at higher ranks, strategy and the monsters to execute that plan go hand in hand. One without the other won´t get you far.

Just openend my 7th. Another SE. 0 legends so far. I’m not gonna bother trying to get those rare gems any longer. They are simply not worth the effort.

Maybe I’m too lucky with rare gems but I got 3/6 legends

Same here.

1/6  and dupe  :frowning:

Decided not to hold on to my 10 in one egg until next festival, was excited when 3 legendaries were in it immediately followed by pensively hopeful/optimistic it would be at least 2 new mons, followed by absolute anger. All 3 were the same mon that has no value addition to my teams strategy. That’s what I get for over thinking the value of being patient against a potential loss of an opportunity to have a valuable mon that would be helpful now. My gut told me patience was absolutely the right thing to do and my head told me I am wasting the opportunity to have value addition now. Should have went with the gut.

What did you get?

0/6 in my oldest account.

The new solblaze. Chance at sleep when it dies is negligible, actually a greater chance it won’t sleep revenge, so to rely on it, or move mons around because of the possibility would be setting myself up for failure. The assisted flame is worthless as my team is short on flame mons. I do have doomengine, so the most logical thing is to pair the two and get two doomengine son the field with solblaze and have another ability to use, again planning for this to work would be another potential fail, as I hope it works, but can’t guarantee it will. Basically if the only thing I can count on is his fast strike, so he is a mini chrono, without timestrike all. I am being overly negative as I was so pumped I was going to get a top level legendary that the let down of the 3 eggs were all the same and not what I was looking for, in the aspect of support mon vs a mon I could build a team around, and I was hopeful that I would draw a mon that would make my team better right now. It might in the future, right now I want to be angry with him and tell him what I think of him you know. Tell him how worthless he is and that no one loves him or ever will. Using negative reinforcement in the hopes he leaves and sends his cousin lava or even his 3rd cousin twice removed mecha as an apology. I’ll let you know if it works or not, I am optimistic my plan will work.

So, solblaze +2?

Solblaze +2 it is. I just made fun of him for not having feet. Think I found what he is self conscious about. He is crying quietly hoping I won’t hear it and make fun of him more. My plan is coming to fruition.

Is the 40% deal still out?
If so for how long?

dont discount sloblaze. Very underrated imo

its for ever

iSight now he is first attacked regardless of who else I have an the field. I guess it’s time to adjust and I’ll move shadowhunter behind and utilize that, but at this point still a mini chrozo mon with fast strike.