Rare Gems - Unlucky Players

RIP. 2 More SE dups (both SE Focus Protect :P)

hahahaha, atleast i got arma when we rolled same time and same amount of rare’s.

I thought 1 of us will get atleast 1 legend  :lol:

Still 4 out of 35. You get so many rare gems suddenly…

yep. managed to save 30 then out of 6 rolls got bazil 

then another 10 rare got new se arma

the rest are SE dupes.

Opened 3 eggs today and got a super epic dupe, talopawn and aurodragon

The thread is for Unlucky players :stuck_out_tongue:

300 gems + 2 rare gems 9/24


4 more rare eggs hatching- everyone a SE dupe

4 more hatches Talonsquire and 2 leg dupes … and 1 se dupe -_- 

12/4 now … 

but still dupes dupes dupes and I dont even have so many Legends from the extended basic pool. 

How does 12/4 make sense? I know what you mean, but why not just 4/12.

damm my last 5 sucked… all SE’s


Opened 4 rare eggs this festival. All legends (2 dupes).
Happened after something like 10 eggs in a row of SE, so im still in shock :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

i hatched 5 ratio is
1st rare egg a dupe SE
and then 4 back to back new legends

Everyone else goes like leg/Se i got 12legis and 4 se. Just wanted to adapt :stuck_out_tongue:


3:44  :stuck_out_tongue:

Only have 3 legendary and still managed to pull a dupe. Wish there was a trading option. I kinda want a dom penguini… just saying.

Happened to us all. I hatched a dupe while had only 2 legenda. The start is slow but you will get there :wink:

3/16 now, hatched terror