RAF Clan

Guys, can we atleast make this clan topic clear of critics or trolls? Please? If possible. Coz we made this Forum Topic for applicants and future members of RAF…
Coz we are not commenting bad or criticize other clans or clan topics. Sorry. And thank you for your understanding.

Its not a new clan its just F2P changed name and kicked zard out.

lmao, we agree on something ahmed :v

I’m sure many are still f2p they just probably no longer tied down to being f2p

Wow, is this for real? :open_mouth:

Gives more freedom to us as players for the future or presence to spend or stay as F2P and remove all the restrictions that were for a player to join us in the team

RAF = R***** A* F*** 

:unsure: ??

Expect more of these in the next few weeks :v

Lol veggie

I dun know why???,but…

Goodluck to yall,
Im friendly,know my limits, have no beef with anyone. Not seeking also.

If i need info/help ill ask,
For now im gonna be with ‘mr noclan’ n enjoy this game.


Don’t poke the bear.

I’ll push the bear… :sunglasses:

oh i will, this is just the beggining

Bring it on Veg, let me see your best. Just not sure you are up to the task Zzzzzz

already cooking those sweet memes, but ill wait for now, dont wanna use them all too fast

I’m schleep Zzzzz

just like we would in this way, be with the f2p and p2w, happier if we were with you leader :blush:

If people still stick around, then I’ll still be F2P leader. Even if they are a minority :slight_smile:

I would love it if RAF would still have me.

@Z19, poking RAF is now going to be considered poking the bear. Don’t do it. 1 meme = 1 warning.

Thats all i had for now, i count 6 warnings, bring it on zard

Locking this temporarily to prevent clan harrasment.