pvp sucks 2

I am f2p currently sitting at 40k rp. My deck has only 3 paid legendaries (haven’t tried guaruntee mythic pack yet) and right now there is a 1/2 chance I am matched with people 2+ 6-star mythics and a ton of paid legendaries.

Also why is the connection during pvp so bad? I am constantly getting disconnected and unable to get back in. But I can play other games and watch videos with my smart phone w/o any problems.

pvp is a big aspect of the game and I am really having bad experience with it .

I’m not sure how matchmaking works, but I belive you get matched against stronger opponents from rank 100 on.

Also 40k rp is pretty good, so maybe it started matching you against stronger opponents because of it?

I mean do the devs know how rage-inducing it is to finally face an opponent similar to your power, play for 10 minites and when you finally secure a win, guess what, disconnect. ****.

The thing is if I had paid to get fancy monsters then I would be more upset when I lose due to those factors outside my control. So I will stay f2p until the day the devs rewrite their code for connection and a better match algorithm.

I think it’s frustrating in general if you loose a lot of matches after each other, you don’t get anything you’ve just wasted your time, battles often take 8 minutes or longer, I don’t want to know how many hours I’ve spent for nothing.

Hahaha indeed i think i can relate with u bro, well I’m glad we have this awesome forum, especially from vet who share their wisdom, I’m f2p too, so i know how’s frustrating things can be with pvp, especially yes when u got DC w/o reason lol, but alas, it’s kinda interesting tbh when match up seems so unreasonable, but again i thought hey how many ranked play this game atm, so i just brush it off, and think kay’ ur team way above mine free win for ya lol, ahh there’s a lot i wanna share but alas. It’s oot i presume, so keep at it bro, perseverance all we got. :grin:

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