PVP special rule ideas

Only monsters of 2 particular elements are allowed.
For example: Water and Light

Discuss and submit other ideas

The element limited rule is too advantageous for veterans and heavy P2W players because this rule requires so many same element monsters. It is difficult for most of users to make even a standard team under the condition.
So I think this is good for a private battle, but is not suitable for a official one.

True. Maybe add a strong team limit rule for example max cost 120

1-)Minimum 10 epic , no legend Pvp

2-) Same element pvp

For example =

I build a holy team, other member build a fire team etc.

3-) No “specifik skill” pvp

Example= No give turn, no bloodfury , No Poison massacre etc

4-) Max cost 100, minimum 10 mons pvp

when we limit cost and monsters by teams some monsters become absurdly op ( deo and pinguinator ). so keep that in mind

One monster pvp…lel penguinator for the win or some lucky sleep stuff

I would love to see something like: 3 leg + 7 se + 4 epic + 2 three stars or below. I could be wrong but something like this would put strategy above all other things

Penguinator cannot beat Galvbane!(^^)

What if all of Monster is 3* below. that was fun lol kidding :joy::joy::joy:

In fairness any limitation is better for veterans since we have all the monsters to choose from to make a strategy. Was the same last PvP, even with the limitations the top 5 was still roughly the same.

Hence why I’d be up for a same element PvP (or perhaps at least 2 elements)

Of course, veterans can make a good team under any limitations.
But what I want to say is the element limited rule is ESPECIALLY advantageous for veterans.
You should pay attention to low ranker or F2P players.
Imagine a player have less than 10 legendaries.
They can choose from all legendaries they have under the limitation other than the elements one.
But under the elements limitation, they can choose only a few legends, so it is difficult to make even a standard team (Of course, they have the limited number of epics and SEs).
On the other hand, veterans can choose from the large number of legendaries, so they will have even more than 10 legendaries in their team.

To summarize that, the number of legendaries is (for example):
a few for low rankers, but more than 10 for veterans under elements limitation
10 for low rankers, more than 10 for veterans under other limitation

The gap between veterans and others is especially widen under the elements limitation.

Still do you think it is good as official rule?

The gap is wider for veterans no matter what. 2 legend rule. Someone may have 10 to chose from someone may of had 60 to chose from. Same with element. The thing to keep in mind that usually someone with alot of legends plays higher up the rankings playing people with less tend to usually be abit lower down and play people around the same. Obviously that isn’t 100% the case but you don’t run into someone playing in top 10 with 3 legends

You do have to remember there is a gap between high rank and low rank at the best of times. PvP limitations are not really going to affect that, even if they are limitations on number of lehendaries etc.

I’m not saying it’s not advantageous to P2W players, because it is, I’m saying that it won’t be the huge difference you think it will

Hmm…you didn’t understand my point…maybe my way of writing was wrong…
I don’t want to say low/mid rankers can beat top rankers in some limitations.

I want to say the official rule should be enjoyable for ALL players, not only for top rankers.
The elements limitation must be good for a private battle of top rankers or in clan, but not for official one cuz low/mid rankers will feel frustrations that they cannot use their limited number legendaries.

An all epics below pvp team seems nice. :slight_smile:

And galvbane cant beat godfeather… yet godfeather cant neat penguinator

No… what did i spent money for in the first place to use some shitty epics when i got a bag full of legends… jk but seriously at least 2 legendary… dont go below that
Someone pls. Fix this autocorrect stuff, its pretty pesky… shity isnt a bad word im

It’s like rock-paper-scissors​:fist::v::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Hahaha, well your money gave you a lot of +9 epics so I’m sure you’re still at the advantage. :wink:

I’ve been a free player for a little over a year and have 26 legends including 7 limited. That’s enough to complete practically all PvE content and to make a great PvP team for top 100. However, RNG gives players all kinds of things and even after playing a decent amount of time I don’t have a single poison legendary plus I have only 4 water, 4 fire and 2 earth legendaries.

Restrictions are meant to force us to change up our team but restricting in certain ways can be really harsh on certain players. Imagine a new-ish player with, say, 4 legendaries (including the two free ones) then current PvP says water and fire monsters only… they could go from their nice 4 legendary team to 0, while others could just have the free legendaries impossible to use. In my opinion it’s most important that anyone who spent good money on the game should be having some kind of advantage. The fact that certain restrictions like by element matter more about RNG is not good because it could unfairly restrict certain players more than others, even the spenders.

I think that rather than restricting by element it would be much better to buff/nerf stats of certain elements. That way it would encourage people to change up their team and negatively impact some people but generally by less than a full on restriction of what we can use.

However, it could be a good idea to restrict the number of certain elements of legendaries. E.g.

  1. “No more than 2 storm, 2 water and 2 shadow legendaries”.
  2. "No more than 4 (in total) storm, water and shadow legendaries"
    Those would be a minor restrictions which still allow people to use their legendaries and wouldn’t punish players quite so badly for their RNG on legendaries.

I liked the recent restriction of only 2 legendaries. But in my opinion 2 is a little too harsh of a restriction for something to frequently have. Big spenders in the game should be getting some advantage when it comes to PvP, at least in general.