Sooo i was wondering if there is someway we can implement some pvp rewards that dont exactly give an advantage in pvp… I mean as a veteran pvper… I want people to enter a battle and say hey this guys arks have funny looking hats/auras! Ohhhhhh nooo he must be good!.. Lol i want them to fear me before i squish them :stuck_out_tongue: i think it would be a nice touch to an already awesome game! I mean post game content is minimal and pvp is all thats left… And after saphireon its an awfully long grind to the top with minimal motivation! I want my omega to have a mean aura to show people whos boss :slight_smile: and im sure a few other veteran pvpers wouldnt mind this as well!

P.s these things wouldnt give an advantage over others its more just a novelty :slight_smile:

Soooooo…accesories to decorate our monsters with? Like if I wanted to give my omegawyrm a top hat, moustache, and an eye monacle so it can own in style? If so, then yes I approve of this idea :slight_smile:

Precisely!!! Nothing that will give an advantage but still something that will differentiate the pvp prowess of players :slight_smile:

hey that would be fun :slight_smile:

A dashing good idea sir. I shall elegantly smash your arks like the potatoes they are with my classy pinky ring, and perhaps give them a swift tap of the backside with my new boots i fashioned from earning 200,000 diamonds in PvP.

Yeah they should do it. I really wanna be able to say those things

Exactly!!! I wanna rock on with a stegospike with a pink moehawk! You know just to add insult to injury!

Auras and novelties all the way!

Exactly!!! I wanna rock on with a stegospike with a pink moehawk! You know just to add insult to injury!

Auras and novelties all the way!

This is a really good idea. I support it.

I support this, I want to add booty shorts to my Pegasion

Lol that would be cool I like this idea.