PvP ranking system thoughts

This doesn’t do that though. Getting to top 10 remains exactly the same. Then the event ends. Top 10 are reordered on ratio. That’s all.

I like the idea alot but it sounds like the old system to me which i perfered.

I remember back in the old system where i would hit the top 5 i had to stop playing since you barely gain any points going forward.

And why i would say its the same because once the players reach the top 10 they would stop playing.

Yeah it’s similar in that the top players would probably stop at a certain point. At least, one or two will. However, you’ve still got to grind to get up to begin with and people would see the win rates of others so they’d probably do more matches to compete and try to get their win rate higher.

I think it would probably be roughly halfway between the two systems, with a couple of people who get into the top 10 comfortably and are happy with their win rate so decide to stick. The others will either be fighting to get into it or competing to try and push their win rate higher.

I hardly doubt the winrates would change much once you reach the top 10.

You can literally post your winrate and winratio and it will show whos better 100 wins is a good simple size to indicate your final winrate.

The best thing just reset the winratio during rank since rank is alot easier when there is multiple players playing at the same time.

If they do stop playing though it’s exactly the same situation as what we have now, but with this system more players might keep pushing for top 10.

No it’s not the exact same situation. What @Mr.X refers to is the original pvp system in which you would lose all of your points gained once you lost a match. Plus the fact that matchmaking was based on those points so for example when you hit like 1000 points (which was about 10 wins in a row) you were very likely to face other guys with 1000 points. So basically at a certain point it was literally in game Suicide to continue playing unless you had a win rate close to 100 %. In fact it ended up as following: You went on good winstreak, you ended up facing Hidan or Alucard, you restart from zero.

You can’t compare the „I stop playing because I might lose 1000 points and I will drop out of Top 10a“ with the „I stop playing because I am very likely to lose everything“ from the early days. It’s a whole different feeling

Ok I get that.

Last PvP people had to keep playing to stay in the top 10. I don’t think this new system will allow any players to sit pretty at the top any more or less than it does already :blush:

Simply reorder top 10 on ratio. The grind to top 10 is pretty much the same. It saves 1-3 being such a grind though

No queue calculated, without 3rd day playing 70k points in 2 days with 4-5 hours of playing. What are you calculating @Killerdog :joy::joy::joy:

first of all i was talking about top 5 and 90% winrate using 5 min as my average

i do the maths for you since your a pepega.

on average most games take 5-8 min since alot of the players intended to surrender when you have the initial while some may even surrender at the start of the game so i will take the average of those two.

and lets add a min extra for que

as i was speaking for the top 5 based on the last pvp report it takes 58k which will be equivalent to 58 games using a average of 1k per game. Assuming the player has 90% winrate it would take him 65 games in order to reach the traget. (58/90%).

Now that we have our total games needed lets use our average game ratio.

65*7.5= 487.5 rounded up 488

488/60=8.133 rounded down to 8 hours

now lets spilt the 8 hours into 3 days

so all you have to do is spend 8/3= 2.667 hours which would equal 2:40 hours over the course of 3 days in order to reach top 5.

now there will be players saying i don’t have 2:40 min of free time a day in order to be a top 5 player but they have plenty of time to post $hit on fourms and memes and go on line.

while many other events like dungeon+UC+games of horde+ ic takes alot more time in order to take all the rewards.

Many players they dont hit 90% winrate and those that do are very few now there are players who grind them self with 80% or 70% winrate in order to reach top 5 is a different story.:goat:

Not to mention that rank pvp usually start on weekend for the most of us. So your telling me you cant wake up in the morning and play few games and complete the rest before going to bed time at night.

I’m losing track here. Is anyone opposed to my idea? If someone’s win ratio’s good enough it doesn’t affect them anyway


Ya sure sure ur ideas fine lets get back to arguing with Morgan :joy::joy::joy:

Also i bet top 5 players experience a higher number of quits since people dont want to bother investing 10 minutes into a guaranteed loss.

And queue time is important. 1-2 minutes at least between matches.

Lastly, sending a text on Line takes like 5 seconds or making a meme takes like a minute tops. So ya, most people can accommodate 50 of those throughout the day a lot easier than sitting down and focusing with no distractions for 3 hours.

Also Saturday is for da boys. Duh. No neo on Saturday.

So your saying you cant wake up in the morning have a cup of coffee complete lets say 10 games and by night after you return cant complete the 12 ?



Sorry @Mr.X ur math was wrong :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming: u have to calculate that a loss gives - 1k … With 65 Games and 90% win ratio u have won 58 Games but also lost 7 ergo 51 k overall… Better Go back to School my Friend :man_facepalming:

Nah once you win alot the game actually shows the 1k in postive rather in nagtive you can test that if you have alot of wins.

Joke aside but i doubt it pass the 3 hour mark still.

But u do math since whoever is a papagea…

It just be 72 games



9/3= 3 hours a day. Like i said i hardly doubt it passes the 3 hour mark. There you go pepega :goat:


You do reliaze thay it took over decades that scientists could not solve what 1+1 is and in the end they all agreed to use different measurement in order to establish a base even in todays world scientifically you cant prove that 1+1=2

1+1=3 is ment for synergy
1+1=1 is meant for liquid
1+1=2 is meant for solid substance.

1+1=14 it could also mean its very high synergistic