PVP No one to battle

I haven’t been playing HI in a while and I am still rookie rank. I don’t think anyone is rookie anymore? So I can’t battle anyone :frowning:

Now I can’t get the PVP rewards

There are still players plying just tht its slowly…erm…decreasing.

Anyway I still play and yes sometime there are no players to pvp with as well.

We will check this out and reduce the number of rooms to make more match ups. Id think an uneven matchup is better than no matchup.

A comment on that – with the dwindling number of those actively playing PvP, it may be that there need only be a “beginner” and an “advanced” (or whichever name you’d prefer to use) divide.

You might have to use a computer opponents that have rarity depending on ranking if there are not many players left. I really want those PVP rewards.