PvP Matchmaking Discussion

So I feel it’s a fair time to make a new thread about this, reopen the topic, if you will, and get to the bottom of how matchmaking happens, how it’s made, and what to expect when going in to a PvP match.

Now I am open to being corrected, this is a discussion, but as far as I was aware, the matchmaking system is as follows:

Hero Rank 25-109 can be matched up with other having Hero Rank 25-109.
Hero Rank 110 and up can be matched up with any other player Hero Rank 110 and up.
Mitigating Factors include:
If a Hero Rank 25-109 has a high enough number of consecutive wins, then they can be matched up with someone of Hero Rank 110 and up.

I am also under the understanding that ones prior seasons PvP record can apply and assist with matching up Hero Rank 25-109 with Hero Rank 110 and up if the number of wins/consecutive wins puts them in that bracket.

Now all these things being considered, can someone explain to me why, with my Hero Rep 81 account and this being the first season of PvP I’ve played with this account, I continually am matched up with Hero Rank 110 and up? During the special rule, I won my first match, and my second match I went up against @NMEduck who is Hero Rank 200+, then proceeded to go against several other players with fully awakened mythics and Legends max Bond quested. I played for a day, earned some rewards, and hopped back in today to get matched up against numerous other members of various clans who I know to be Hero Rank well over 180.

Ive played this game on and off a lot and made various accounts doing so since 2017. It being five years now, I feel a thorough and well put explanation of the matchmaking system for PvP to be explained. It’s not enjoyable wasting my time and tickets with a team that literally cannot compete against others, if for nothing other than solely based on Hero Rank + Team cost.

@Killerdog @Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD I would very much appreciate responses to this.


That is a very interesting topic, especially when it comes to ranking, my consecutive win streak does not exceed 5, there are seasons in which I am matched against members of ONE, Rise AND DMG, people with full mythical awakened, as you said those are games impossible to win.
One time they even matched me against Dont but since we know each other he gave me the win XD otherwise I would have lost brutally too


I feel you on that. I mentioned this topic in the discord too the day it happened, so it’s not coming out of nowhere, this is a legitimate issue. The PvP system in general needs a reworking in my opinion, a tiered system or something similar based on progress, and that progress should be shown and be common knowledge to all, not hidden numbers/hidden reasons.

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Something I’ve experienced is that it feels like the team composition matters as part of the ranking. I’ve recently run a link shadow and see far more link shadows. I also find a weird phenomenon that when I run auro I face many more. Could be anecdotal but over several seasons and data points it does seem to have a difference.


I’m really not worry about that , I’m a top player so I meet all top players and I’m okay with it u guys should be like me in this

Idk how the matchmaking works but to my knowledge i awakend gorodrake at around HR 90 and ever since then i would be lucky to match against someone below hr 150 normaly people above hr 250

To me it feels like the collection size amount of awakends you have and ws is what justifies matchmaking

Thats just my experience tho

PS: i just reached hr 150 like yesterday lol

Yeah, the pvp system keeps matching me up with all the top players. dumb BS smh

btw @DMG_LUCKDRAGON gave me like 1060 RP like right after I reached a 90% winrate during the special rule following my second top 1 placement

That makes no sense at all.
He is talking abt a new account bro. If you are getting matched with top 50s after single victory, something is wrong with matchmaking

We all meet all and that’s normal , when I was low HR I meet tops players too and I never complained, PvP is not fair , it never gonna be

That’s all well and good and thank you for your input, but I would still like a breakdown of how the matchmaking actually works from the Devs.

We know that and it doesn’t help.

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I definitely got matched against top 100 players back when I was like hero rank 50, and it’s not like I had an insane winstreak. This was a while ago, but I’ll try to find a screenshot

I think they purposefully keep some of the information hidden to avoid people abusing it. I’m sorry but I can’t give you extra details beyond what you already know

This isn’t about abusing it though, this is about knowing how something works that people invest money and copious amounts of time into. You can’t give me any other information? Not even corrections or anything to what I put in the OP?

They probably want to avoid a repeat of the pvp fraud that MementoMori discovered

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I do find it rather interesting that Killerdog does know more about it, though. Seems like an odd thing to share, even with someone so close with the devs. Did they consult him on the new system when they redesigned it after the fraud discovery? Did he specifically request it?

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Since he plays PvP as well it’s kind of unfair information for him to know more and not share it with the rest of us imo

The pvp system has been notoriously easy to abuse in the past. Hell, even I’ve abused it without even intending to. With that in mind, I think it’s reasonable to be rather vague about how the matchmaking functions

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The devs know KD and KD knows the devs. Not only is he the last person who’d want to exploit the matchmaking system, but he’d also be the first person to get caught. Plus, he has no trouble placing near the top. Exploiting the system isn’t really necessary for him

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what I experience and often happens during pvp is that I always get enemies who can fight back against my team, for example, if I use team sleep, I will definitely meet anti-sleep opponents and if I use team posion, I will definitely meet the anti-posion team, am I the unlucky one or is this game system don’t like me win!? lol🗿