Pvp battle

Can some make me join a pvp battle as right now please

I don’t know that the game will allow you sithout you finishing the champion league first.

So go do that then you can do pvp as much as you want.

I have finished it and i have beaten the champion and i have 8 lengendaries and 6 super epics and 24 epics
My pvp battle code is 6911550

Just play the 173 cost Pvp

Wait how can i increase rank fast
How can i raise my ranks fast

Wait when did you start the game if you beat the champions league then you should have a good rank level

Yeah i want it to be higher because of my rank even the pirymids challange does not give me much exp i am out of things to do in the game i have godfeather which was my goal when i got him i lost the fire to play the game so are there games by pockettrand i had there was hunters island but i can’t buy it in appstore and i can’t buy it in dollars because i am in africa some one help me with a link

Beat extreme super challenge battles. The current available one will give you 60000 for beating both extremes.

Thsnx man

Or Lily’s weekly event. Complete 13 battles and you will have an 10000 Exp book :rolleyes:

Or just do the story, the whole thing will get you more than halfway to max level

he’s apparently already maxed level

Is there a game simillar to neo monsters if there is help me with a link

Nope there is no game like neo monster its the one nd will remain one.

True Love.

Side question. When are the devs going to have a ranked pvp?! I will be top 50 two pvp’s in a row now (barring the free wins the top tiered players are giving out which boost the mid to high level players 50-100 points) and gosh darn it, I just want to see a crown on my monster. Getting a little bummed about it. I thought this was a ranked pvp for the last couple days until I reread the news post and I almost elvis’ed my IPad, thankfully I had the insight to not pull the trigger, this time.

Hey can some one with a powerful shared monster give me his friend code

38032121 add me. What you want? I have almost all legends

K accept me

Any one else with a friend code
Some one follow my topic errors