👉 PvP 66 Special Rule Pie Chart 🥧

Hey guys,

PvP season 66 had a very special rule: Only same-element monsters allowed; team cost limit is 150.
This was a great chance to evaluate which LINK teams excelled during the event. Here’s a pie chart showing the choices of the top 300 players in the event.


What’s your favorite element?
Which element would you like to see enhanced in the future?

Let us know what you think!


Time to give Fire and Holy some more love.

life? death? Air? i think you mean holy, shadow and storm…

Yes… You got what it meant :sweat_smile:


i think you should give some monsters LINK passives.

make them regular passives with an added bonus when in link. (like the one i made for leoronixian)

Insomnia,sleep immunity,purify counters sleep. Purify,poision immunity counters poision. Stun converter,counter, immunity counters stun. But what about tokens? They add more than 10,12 tokens or more and it destroys entire fun. So I want to ask bring more mons that has passive like serene field and token execute or token eater. There is no fun in lifeflip bronze shell whole match,denotation, risky heal with vines. I am not against it but at least if we have specific counter toward it, it would be good. I used to run link but with token everywhere switched to bastia and is working well but we need more reliable counters.

Well I think this is something relative. If link fire hadn’t been nerfed it would be at the top. Currently, in a general sense, I think that water is the most complete, because of the roads it has and so on, they are not high speed but very difficult to deal with.But I think the weakest is the divine. That for me is the one who most deserves an improvement. The leaf links are very strong, they are based on sacrifice, I think if it were exploited a little more it would be great too.

Man, I remember the good ol’ days with link fire. @Dev_VKC you guys did flarevern and magmarinus dirty :cry:

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I’d love to see more Link Earth :blush:

Especially more throw monsters and a Emeradont buff to support it better.


Emeraldont stun counter confirmed ^

Too bad for those types of rules, Prismegasus is only playable in LINK holy, if it has this Linker ability, maybe it should get a special non-element.

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holy is non synergistic. thats the real problem. you have a lot of defence types and healing which is fair enough but i can only think of one or 2 monsters that offer poison, sleep, stun, throw, sneak in the holy element.

i also get that these are generally found in each other element with more focus on that particular skill group.

holy has a few other problems - some of its best PvP monsters don’t synergise at all with each other. GF jasmine works best wih other fairies and has a solo move. Maeve with FDs, Elemphox with other elements. jaguardian and brynnhilder solo. momo has her solo revival thing.

holys biggest drawback is the speed of its monsters. they take ages to get a turn comparatively to other elements (earth also quite slow) and when they do they have high tu moves.

heres a few ways i think holy could be buffed with existing monsters.

Pontibear - give hold ground or bear brigade passive
Prismaryx - revert link slayerbane all nerf
Metatherion - incorporate swift entrance into its passive abilities.
Gloreonix - have a chance of summoning mojincess and shiny moji when it retreats, increase number of times it can summon to 3. (not sure if it will be stronger but it will be more fun)
Prismpaw - make its lower hp punch deal piercing damage or give him focus
Nectareon - give it some speed back (not pre-nerf speed but higher than current speed)
Shiny Bitterbeast - call it butterbeast
Apodemik - reduce the time for sleep curse to take effect/reduce its tu.
Mechangelion - just delete it and start again.
Jaguardian - this is one im unsure about however maybe remove its solo restriction.
Heavenshorn - make protector conversion give sanctoise full stats.

ideas for holy as an element - it needs a skill genre other than pure support abilities. i was thinking maybe it could become the Mark element if you started releasing some mark monsters besides Lordstag to the element. (maybe a shiny fossildragon/nefariodon to begin?).
i think if you wanted to keep it as the support/defence element you should consider adding additional link passive effects to some of the monsters such as camo or poison immunity to certain monsters with hold ground (sanctoise/ leoronix(ian lol)/ tinkerclaus/ simuronix). or adding hold ground to monsters like elephantom/ ultimadragon/ omegasdragon when they are in link.


day 2331
I am starting to believe that Earth will never get Link support

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Love how Angelion is the only Non Mythic in the chart
The Best Monster :heart:

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The buff we didn’t know we needed.


Nah he’s white chocolate, not butter. It’s my favourite sweet so keep it that way!

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Prismpaw piercing I would love it

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My favorite formation (just wait enemy get a kill)

Giomurai (lsba) front, or mid game Magmarinus. endgame penguinator , prisma ,Moku . Best Strategy.

Its similiar worse like death revenge in PVP(just wait your opponent get a killI) hope they never buff lsba ever again. :laughing:

thanks to other nerfs/buffs and power creep from new monsters i don’t see them being as much of an issue as they used to be.

with prismaryx the situation is particularly bad since it doesn’t work well with his other skills since restriction was imposed. more so than gyo and magma. though magmaranis is just bad now lol.