
Main goal creating uc is for player that have a strategy to aim top 3000.
Sad to see not everybody ger robinator.
Everyone supposed get that, freemonster for player.

Superepic counter for legendary why not ?
Its free for who didnt havemuch monster like me, at least robin is my 1st bloodfury/thirst monster

Honestly before banedragom came in last PvP event 80% of top 10 ran a soulstealer starting line followed by a sleeping lineup. I won 9/10 matches easily. The only sleep counter is poisoning your own monsters for the time being so poison needed something to become stronger and gain a buff.

If you look at how I beat the level 600 gatekeeper . Imagine how easily I’d take out players teams with one dreamhunt being one kill rather than needing 4-5 of them to get it done.

You can say the teams would be built better or whatever and a player can think but you can think all you like when you can never make a move. I easily dismantled every team once the sleep got going.

I liked running into those teams because I would dismantle them really easily.

The thing about poison right now is that you can’t make a pure poison team. The only time you see poison used (at least at the top) is autopoisoners as sort of filler/generic sweeper later on. Sleep not only has a strong opener but can continue through the team as a powerful mechanic. Poison just can’t.

As it stands the two most powerful front lines both get countered by poison (night night and aegisblade / soulstealer stuff) but because poison has so few options as an archetype you can’t reliably use it in a team.

So poison honestly deserves all the new monsters. Look at all the sleep legendaries and support, all the stun legendaries and support. Now look at the poison stuff: 3 legends and a bunch of super epics that nobody really uses. Tjey needed they buff just to be viable as a pure archetype or an opening front few

and 2 of the legends are same typing and same move set and the third has the same move set