Poison legend scaling

What would need to happen to the poison legendaries to make them viable against extremely buffed teams?

Make poison eater do a percentage of the targets health in damage based on attack.
Replace knockback with bloodthirst/bloodcrave
Make poison rather than do regular damage remove a percentage of their currant health, maybe make this a passive exclusive to the legends.

(I got a Flarevern dupe and I’m annoyed because it is only helpful to a point. I only have 4 legends. They need to fix this.)

There’s very few monsters that are viable against buffed teams. I would say if poison eater would accumulate like bloodthirst, bloodcrave, or bloodfury, then it would be nice

Exactly, even paying more for more legends is only going to get you so far. It’s get lucky or go home. The poison legends are one of the least powerful simply because of the amount of damage that poison does. Even soulstealer is more useful in a team built around him.

Zard you are completely correct let’s hope the devs listen and make the changes you suggest as at the moment the poison legends are pretty useless

Make it so poison doesn’t hit 0 would help. Ridiculous when enemy is on hold ground and poisoned but doesn’t die. That is one of the advantages of poison besides being vulnerable to poison eater that does nothing

I’m pulling for poison eater increasing in damage for kills. That would be great

Yeah, that would probably be the best solution.

Maybe you could have a poison stacking effect i.e the more times you poison a monster the more damage it takes from the poison each turn.

I think if you kill multiple poison revengers at once it does more damage initially but it would be good if could poison them more and make it do more damage