Online League: Blitzdragon

I’m at work so I can’t play much for 6 hrs il catch up most players will not cut it at the higher levels and il just plod past them undefeated till I reach as far as I can go before I am happy
Aren’t online events fun :slight_smile:

It’s always super fast at the beginning, then it slows down at around 60 ish (assuming its the same as the last one). It’s not worth keeping up right now, if you can great but if you can’t then it’s not a huge deal.

This is the league so it’s probably around league 13

I’ve noticed a few people stuck at 10-13 now even though they active but this monster is really worth getting it has A great move pool and is perfect for stun teams or any team a great improvement for players that don’t have legendary stunners

It’s using the ticket system now, so if we compare with the cut-off for tower tourney, it should be around league 26.

I would put it at 20-26 for cut off maybe

Without using any gems and no losses I’m at about 8, so as a measure that’s pretty much a couple of days before things slow down if we take that as an estimate of where the f2players are now

What makes you think that the f2p players would have no losses though

Up to this point it’s not been especially challenging, no legendaries. Obviously that will change but I think at least up to 10 the majority should be fine.

It’s still very easy where I am I have used 2 Ingame gems and haven’t lost yet
Thanks to the team me and shomy built its a true powerhouse I’m just aiming for the aeromid so i can evolve swift drake

I’m only level 60, so I had to use gems. I got the dragon so that’s it for me. I now get to watch as my ranking falls lol. It became more difficult for me at level 11, 4 wins on 11 and 12.

Which team is that? Just curious, I’ve been using a sleep team so far.

I’m gonna try to get it without using gems, but that’s mostly because I don’t have any right now to begin with xD
Good luck to all participants!

I’m in top 50 using only Ingame gems so far I think that has been two one from tower and one from log in but even without the log in one I would be still in top 50
Type advantage helps a lot in higher levels
Thankyou shomy for helping me build a dream team
Even if I stuff up I still win by a large margin the entire team supports each other no monster is left out and all weakness are covered with backups if a certain monsters die or plans fail can’t wait to test it in pvp

If you had max tickets and wanted to speed up the tower very fast with no loses it will cost you 25 gems with a payback off 15 gems so it would cost you 10 gems not that bad really sad there is no point to reach the final floor

I’m confused. It says x9 of the monsters for the top 50. Does that mean 9 people out of the top 50 will win it or the top 50 will win 9 each? Either way it seems pointless as the top 50 will pass round 13 so already have it and obviously would be no need for anyone to have 9 of them

It means the top 50 get 9 each. When you get duplicates it makes their skills cost less time, so a x9 blitzdragon is 15% faster than a normal one.

Oh ok. Do they just automatically get added together sort of thing?

Yep! When the ranking rewards are handed out a few days after the end of the event, players who got a high enough rank to receive a duplicate monster receive one, three, or nine, depending on if the player reached the top 1,680, 700, or 50 in rank respectively. They show up in the same way Daily Rewards do, and as you accept each duplicate it automatically gets added to the existing one and gives it a time bonus, as Buckingham explained. So players who made the top fifty get the featured monster with a +9 bonus, players who made it the top 700 get a +3 bonus, and players who made it to the top 1,680 get a +1 bonus (assuming they reached league level 13 and so already had one featured monster before the ranking rewards were handed out).

Ahh ok. Thanks. Hopefully I will reach league 13. On 9 now but only having 33 tickets isn’t helping