Normal Limited Rewards for New Year PVP

Will we be getting the normal limited rewards because of this?

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It means that instead of 1 gem for 5 daily fights we will get 2 :slight_smile:

I’m wondering the same. We can’t see in the PvP section yet. I looked as soon as we saw the news

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im checking from time to time as well… would be awesome if we have the previous 130 gems for the limited rewards plus the daily 2 gems… haha

Confirmed… normal limited rewards for the coming pvp… sad

Neo is going down every time more quickly,i met a lot of guys who count with those gems to use shrine and now they have to wait to January-February

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The fools! It’s only been in the news for 2 days. How did they lose their gems on the same day the limited rewards showed there’s no extra gems from PvP besides the daily increase?


Pretty pink haired garden fairy came :confounded:

Can’t remember exactly , how many reward last year. I am sure the total is around 100gem.

And now we only get 44Gem (22 day) playing .

Yeah, we got a lot last year:

(picture courtesy of Tavaray’s post which I found)

However, something that’s very easy to forget… we skipped a fortune shrine in January last year so basically we traded a fortune shrine for 130 gems. Fortune shrine gives an average of 200-225 gems if you have the 500 hoarded so we made a loss by having those PvP rewards and people had to do PvP to earn them. So it was only good for people who didn’t have 500 hoarded and were happy to play PvP in January.
(I think I’m remembering this correctly - if I’m wrong then someone please point it out)

I was also expecting more than an extra daily gem, but as far as I’m concerned it’s better than last year!

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Sorry ,I thought we just skipped few week (maybe 2) not full 1 Month. :thinking: can’t remember corectly.

44 gem for 22 day (5 battle /day) ,is hard effort . Limited rp reward is more better tbh ,since we can speed run it .

Back then we had the fortune shrine every 2 weeks or so. We skipped one shrine in January… sorry my post wasn’t clear with that