Next PvP season will be epic

I warned about that way back last month when everybody was crying and saying AP spam is brain dead.

Worst decision devs made was to not fix the cursed RNG to balance AP spam. They must have been smoking some serious crack.

The essence of your complaints were predicted here:
Rant about this obnoxious monster - #14 by Saitama

This part:
“People think we will see true team building skills if there was no Auto-protect. Lol I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the only thing we will see is a Meta of fast sweepers. The game will become a 100 metre sprint. Auto protect is actually good strategy when used appropriately. Mark my words, If the devs Nerf it more than just RNG. This game will start becoming truly brain dead. People with slow sweepers will be screwed. It’s gonna be a matter of first in best dressed=boring.”

I did say “mark my words”.

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