Next month expeculations(?)

What do u think… All ppl know the next Egg events r from (the ones)… The next update will come soon… The Last ones Event go in october Event… New Legendarys before Aniversary??? Two tacos? Yes plz :’)


Anniversary egg is expected. Don’t know about anything else.

Hahaha sorry bro my MOBILE dont change english to spanish xd

Update is gonna be before the anniversary as VKC said. I expect it gonna get released like the day of the anniversary

My expectation is that each of the first ones will have a festival before the new monster is released… that is my best guess atm. 

I think they are being released separately now. Terragar, Atra, meta, and zib so far. Raizen and Bov left.

Wait when was terragar released

in alba and emeraldont festival

Yes I remember now, thanks

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