Next festival egg

Anyone knows when it is? I’m getting close to 50 gems and I want those bonus odds.

Anyone knows when it is? I’m getting close to 50 gems and I want those bonus odds.

Could be Labor Day, but we had one like a week ago so they may wait. I would really like one though right after this special egg ends, that would be cool.

Probably labor day. Would be happy either way though. Have 59 gems saved.

Me too. 48 gems now and i’d love to get at least one legendary

Yeah, really hoping for another one. 12 eggs should be enough right?

If only I got past those last thirty levels in the Island Challenge, I’d have enough rare gems for a gold egg. Oh well, I’m hoping the next festival is soon.

I think yes. But why don’t you accumulate 50 gems more to do 20 egg rolls Zard? We may have the time

Id better roll for specific legend, im very unlucky with all egg :joy::joy:.
Aegis ultima and 2 legend TT is what im aiming for

The goal is to accumulate gems. You don’t stop doing that. If I get 20 rolls before the next egg the I will be happy.

Actually hoping for the time.

Yeah I’ve got 30ish atm, hoping for time to get the last 20 for a rare gem because I have 3 already.