New player here with questions about rerolling

Sorry if this is a commonly discussed topic, but after doing a bit of research, I’m still having trouble deciding on what I should be rerolling for. From my understanding from what I’ve read, Penguini and Golrock would be the most preferred for their last bite ability. This is all well and good, but I can’t seem to find anything that’s more up to date, rather than half a year or a year old. Right now I’ve managed to roll a Darkslither on my current file and he’s the only legendary I’ve gotten so far. Should I stick with this roll or go for something else, and if I should, what should I look out for? Thanks in advance! Oh, and any other newcomer tips are welcome and appreciated as well. Cheers  :smiley:

Welcome mate

  1. Roll only 10 in 1 packs at 50 - 60 - 100 festivals (like the one right now). The chances of getting any legendery (which is what you need right now) will dramaticlly increase. Also old players are usually saving around 150 or 300 gems for this kind of events. Really worth the patience.

  2. Any legend would help you as a begginer. The best for start, by far, are what you mentioned. Last bite can get you far by itself. You can get them in any egg, but again - wait for the 50 - 60 -
    100 festival. You cant really aim for them, but if you hatch 1 - have fun with him :slight_smile:

if you 're rolling the first egg you get till you get a legend then there’s only around 6 legends you can actually get from it, early game penguini or golrock are the best ones to go for in first egg


Last Biter can pretty much finish the online and offline story by itself, so worth rerolling for one. When you get one, save gems for festivals like said above.

Woah hold on, I don’t think he should just go straight to the saving up for packs, that’s a little bit harsh. He needs something to be able to progress in the game with, he can’t just cruise along with nothing but his necrodrake and a pile of 1/2 star monsters through the entire main story. For now just go with singles, until maybe you beat the main storyline and have a decent amount of SEs and maybe another legend or two. Then you should be able to feasibly save until 50.

I agree get going first before saving, if you get a last biter you can get away with saving earlier however

I got to save 1 pack with just se dd which was my 1st roll and the epic monsters in six trials, starters and some good 2 or 3 star monsters. This guy with darkslither can definitely save 1 pack in time for the next festival. :slight_smile:

I would still save. You can go far with the 6 trial and 4 starters who are given free. If needed, open 5- 10 singles is fine to grt a boost but other than that i would save.

Last Biters or you you need unbelievable much patience for good legends. 10 pacls are not reall promising. Its a goos option but you you could get 10 epic monsters only instead of 2 or maybe legend monsters.

With Last Biters you are on a very good side, it makes fun, you comes far and can save up many gems. I wish you gpod luck!

Basically if you get a last biter they will carry you through almost the entire storyline by themselves.

After that save gems and roll during festivals when there is an increased chance. Also if you rolled 10 in one you get a rare gem which is another way of getting legends. So it’s worth saving them up.

go get a chronox and a Galvbane fo free