šŸ† Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) šŸ†

Still think Exo should be S+ for Pve

I find him less good than the others (Iā€™ve used them all lots either because I own them or from picking friend monsters). My main issue is you canā€™t keep going with the cornered exterminate (the AI removes the mark from your monsters) and it doesnā€™t survive as well as the other S+ monsters. Whatā€™s your reasoning for why it should be S+?

Itā€™s probably A or S-tier. The reasons being: itā€™s a bit too slow to be S+. Cornered exterminate is one of the best PvE moves in the game but itā€™s not unconditional and depends entirely on the marks: sometimes youā€™ll have to reset them with the secret skill if AI spams AoE like it very often does, also lava entrance is quite common now and it instantly removes them.

Itā€™s a win condition if things line up perfectly, especially when supported by Novemdomina. But itā€™s not quite S+ material.

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Probably the worst Legendary out thereā€¦ devs need to improve it asap. It has been bad since i started playing the game over 2 years ago and not a single buff


Godfeather is worse as it doesnā€™t have backbite I think


Yeah tbh, with the end games we have nowadays these monsters are nothing

Hey guys who do u think is better in pvp Fiona or Excaliburdragon?

Excaliburdragon in awakened form ever since itā€™s buff,but in second form? Fiona,but itā€™s very close plus itā€™s very niche and relies on camouflage and stealth monsters

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My opinion is obviously reflected in the tier list where Excaliburdragon is S- and Fiona is A, so you probably want other peopleā€™s opinion but I think the main thing is Fiona requires specific team building to become good. More than anything else, she support camouflage monsters. Excaliburdragon is a bit more general purpose, but needs some time to get charged up so you need some threats/protectors around it or a way to give turn to it as it charges quickly with crescendo dance (gets a charge for each enemy hit).


Galv should go up a tier or 2 for PvP(S)

S+ obviously

S tier will be good imo.

if I was told to choose excaliburdragon and galvbishamon. I prefer Galvbishamon, the team building is easier and the rewards obtained are more visible.

I thinkā€¦Even before buffing, I used galvbishamon more often than excalibur when it came to pvp. But for PvE itā€™s a different story, Excaliburdragon is much better.:sweat_smile:

Definitely better than exalibur no doubt. I think slayerbane was unique to wolfroze and they gave to galv now.

Donā€™t forget my boy prismaryx, he has it too. Since he also has stunt double he gets to just spam it repeatedly.

The fact that galv is 89 speed, has piercing pretty much all time now with mythics everywhere, a bloodmove that gets charged easily and the good ol galv stun control. This lil sheet is now on the lvl pola was in his prime

Yeah itā€™s an obvious S+ now. Only need a single mythic in the enemy team and it will piercing kill two things on entryā€¦ thatā€™s kind of nuts! It can follow it up with fast piercing sweeping too. I was very surprised to see that buff

Galv was everyoneā€™s favorite for so long, I guess they just wanted him back on top.

Also, shouldnt you be getting ready for your wedding?!

Also also, I hereby decree: if someone so much as even mentions a hint of this game, evertale, or kings road during a toast, I demand that you drink an extra shot of liquor as soon as is available to you. I shall be checking in on this to verify follow through. Deadly serious, hands are tied, youā€™ve got no say in the matter.


This is meh

KD i think that the General tier list for superepics is either outdated or just wrong lol.

my first gripe (and the reason i was checking the tier list to begin with) is Horrorclaw. Currently it is in B Tier. now i understand that you can make the arguement that in lower tiers of PvE it isnā€™t as effective as the stolen monster might be a weaker power level however at the same time you are still getting an extra monster on your team. when i look at some of the monsters that are in the B tier compared to Horrorclaw it seems bizarre. He is one of the best PvE monsters in the game VS buffed regardless of the fact he is a superepic.

Secondly, and this saddens me a little, i feel like the P.Gs have fallen off the pace. there are too many shieldbreakers and Piercing killers nowadays that these golems have weaknesses too. that, along with the fact it takes so much setup to use them in the first place makes me feel lile they should all respectively drop down a tier.

Thanks to the recent mechanic change to vineyes AI vinegazer should probably drop down to S tier.

Abyssclaw Should be S+ tier. not really much else i can say about it. been using it a lot and it feels great.

Redybugs nerf hit it harder than i think we realized and it should probably drop to A tier.

Cryptblade just got a really nice buff. D tier is ridiculous for him. he should be AT LEAST A tier.

AS shock is one i sometimes use if i need a payback killer. while he is definitely not meta for PvE i think E tier is harsh. probably D tier.

Tezcatlipoca is a monster Iā€™ve been playing around with a lot recently. while his poison revenge holds him back a lot and he needs time to do his thing i was even able to use it in UC reasonably well. honestly i think he just gets so little play people dont realise he is actually a decent little control monster for things like Death Sentence and Bomb. i would have it at B tier pushing A.

Probably a controversial opinion, especially considering the previous monster needs time - but i think all of the 400tu bomb monsters all need to drop down a tier. simply put they take too long to do thier thing and nowadays thier damage doesnā€™t always kill opponents.

Oshi-oni is very effective because of its camouflage, with the amount of humanoids around it just keeps getting stronger lol. i would move it to S- tier.

Earth Starter monster isnā€™t as good as other monsters in S tier. i would drop it to S- or even A.

Arborgias should be S+++++.