🏆 Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) 🏆



We recently had an update to version 2.33 which you can see here. This post will cover the movements with regards to these changes.

This update gave us basically limitless PvE content with MBQ for all SEs. It’s an insane 29280 battles if you want to do them all. Even at 1 minute a battle (basically as fast as you can go) that’s about 500 hours of gameplay and only more will be added over time. Of course, it’s not actually worth it to do that but I think the numbers are funny to share.

HP Boost is the really big deal from this update. However, since we’re only getting 1 a day from daily missions and we can only get a maximum of about 250 from SE MBQ (2.5 HP boosts) this is going to affect the game extremely slowly. I reckon it’ll be about 3 years before it makes a noticeable difference in PvP. Since these boosts are so scarce I recommend you focus on boosting mythics and otherwise your very top monsters which will play well in a future where monsters all have higher HP. You’ll want your boosted monsters to be viable for years to come, not sat on your bench after a year because you have stronger monsters you play instead.

The adjusted tickets for each Hero Rank means lower hero ranks have way more tickets than before! We now start on 50 tickets, rather than 12 and it still goes up quickly for quite a while! To see a breakdown, follow the link at the start of this post or check out the guide itself.

Malwing and Sobeking finally got the tranquilising entrance nerf they deserved! Less stun from this makes it much less horrible while still maintaining the same function. I may drop them from S+ in the future but it will take time to tell how they now compare to other monsters. The passive is still very strong but it doesn’t chain into their movesets so well… Malwing won’t get to blowback so easily and Sobeking won’t get to slayerbane twice so easily.


These are only with respect to the changes in version 2.33.

Bastia moves from S- → S+ in PvP, unexpectedly, the nerf was almost completely reverted. We now have the original Bastia but with knockback random 130TU → 160TU. This nerf reversion was controversial because most people who gave feedback agreed that a nerf for Bastia was actually a good thing but the nerf simply did it in the wrong way. Regardless, Bastia is back to practically her full strength and deserving of S+ again. She’s going to be great in this future with HP boosted monsters too.

Onyxia moves from C → S- in PvP, the defence buff here was huge! It’s now, yet another, super tanky form of stun protection people can utilise. It’s helped a lot by building around it (either OoO or to get a kill) but it’s naturally pretty strong now with interesting things to offer (upgraded poison touch for shields/HG/stealth/low HP, dreaded wave to counter high HP defence buffs / confident strike, instant knockback random). With this buff and Hadeshoof, link shadow is looking far better! Onyxia is not moving in PvE because it was already high and I think the bloodfury lower damage may be a problem.

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