Neo Monsters: Monster Suggestion Thread

So, I had this brilliant idea for a monster, and apparently, someone liked it. However, I believe it was in the wrong thread (Skill Ideas), so it probably got ignored. And anyone else who may post in the suggestion thread may also get ignored for their monster ideas. Most of the suggestion thread pertains to making the game better by adding certain features to it. However, there are very few, if any monster ideas out there.

I’m going to throw my own out there. You can make up your own, too!

The first monster is from the skill idea thread I posted, and I updated and changed a few things:

Original Text for the first monster:

This is my monster I created. I’ve had a version of this kind of monster since I was little, and now, I share it to you. Please create it, and, more importantly, give recognition to the person behind the idea (sorry, I mean me, because I really desire to have this creature in at least ONE of the games I play, which, I can’t either find any that have it, or obtain those hard to get ones that do. I used to have a pure dragon in dragon city that was a unicorn dragon, but they changed the look of it, and thus, I don’t play that game anymore. Also, dragonville was a game I got interested in for a bit before it went offline, and it had a unicorn/dragon hybrid in it that was stunning and a common creature.) and allow this person to have the monster via his ID number or a claim code. (I will post it in a bit, after I get one question answered that I posted on the forums)


New Text for the first and all monsters:


So, since I created this thread, I believe each person who has their own monster created to have their email address ready (since private message is a no-go, please tell me if this needs to be changed…) so that in case the developers create it and add it to the game, they can have their suggested monster given to them via a reward code.


Make sure to make the email address you send them to not  be the one that you use your account on! Doing so will set you up for thieves and spammers.


I highly suggest to the developers to give credit to the creators, and bestow to them their creations via a private email using a “reward code” specialized for them.



Ok, I added a form for those who do not know how to do this


Monster Idea


Monster # of Stages:

Monster’s Element:


Monster Base Appearance (what does the monster resemble):

Monster Colors:

Example Picture (Use a Link to a picture):


*Monster Best Stat:

*Monster Good Stat:

*Monster Bad Stat:

*Monster Worst Stat:


*Active Skill 1: 

*Active Skill 2: 

Active Skill 3: 

Active Skill 4: 

Passive Skill 1: 

Passive Skill 2: 


*Form (Choose 1): Initial/Final

Monster’s Initial Stage Name


Form (Choose 1): 2nd / Final

Monster’s Initial Stage Name


Form (Choose 1): 3rd / Final / Ultra-Evolution

Monster’s Initial Stage Name



Form (Choose 1): 4th / Final / Ultra-Evolution

Monster’s Initial Stage Name



Form (Choose 1): Ultra-Evolution

Monster’s Initial Stage Name



Custom Skill Names & Descriptions:



Reason for Making/Observations/Thoughts:








And now, with no more further ado, here’s my four monsters I would like to be added to the game. (Note: All four are part of a Special Legendary Quartet that, when on the field all at the same time, make a powerful and nearly unstoppable force. Individually, they have their own strengths and weaknesses, but together, they make up for each other’s strengths and weakness, and virtually have no weakness together.)


If anyone knows the Maximum and Minimum HP, ATK, DEF, and SPD base/Max stats of all legendary monsters, please, tell me so I can fill in the appropriate questionmarked stats.






Maxed Out = Highest value possible for any monsters’ stat.

Active: Active Skill

Passive: Passive Skill


Monster Idea 1


Based On: Dragon/Unicorn Hybrid.

Color: White

Challenge! Match this or do better:

***Must be as beautiful as this image, or better. This is challenging, but possible. Must look innocent, too. Does not have to look exact, but at least, as beautiful or better.***


Element: Neo/Aura/Light


Best Stat: HP

Good Stat: DEF

Bad Stat: ATK

Worst Stat: SPD


Base HP: ??? (Maxed Out Base HP)

Max HP: ??? (Maxed Out Max HP)

Base ATK: ??? (2/4 of Maxed out Base ATK)

Max ATK: ??? (2/4 of Maxed out Max ATK)
Base DEF: ??? (3/4 of Maxed out Base DEF)

Max DEF: ???  (3/4 of Maxed out Max DEF)

Base SPD: ??% (1/4 of Maxed out Base SPD)

Max SPD: 25% (1/4 of Maxed out Max SPD)


Active 1: Superlux > Megalux > Gigalux > Ultralux

Active 2: Healing Touch

Active 3: Purify

Active 4: Assisted Healing

Passive 1: Regeneration / Poison Absorb

Passive 2: Poison Immunity


Form: Initial

Name: Ra (Meaning: Dawn)


Form: Evolution

Name: Rora (Meaning: Dawn)


Form: Evolution

Name: Aurora (Meaning: Dawn)


Form: Ultra-Evolution

Name: Amaurora (Meaning: Made up word, mix of “Amaura”, meaning Dusk, and “Aurora” - Dawn)




Healing Touch: Completely heals one of your monsters once per 300 seconds. Unlimited uses. Exclusive to Ra, Rora, Aurora, and Amaurora. Seconds: 300


Purify: Already in-game


Assisted Healing: All of the user’s teammate’s monsters’ current Hit Points are added together. Then, one selected monster receives the total amount of hit points added together to it’s current HP amount. Unlimited Uses. Works only once for each monster. (It will do nothing if you try to use it on a monster that has already received assisted healing) Exclusive to Ra, Rora, Aurora, and Amaurora. Seconds: 50



Regeneration: This monster recovers 1/8 of it’s maximum health each turn. No exceptions

Poison Immunity: This monster is immune to poison,  no matter if the poisioning came from an active or passive skill.




It’s mainly a healing monster, and can tank quite well at the same time. Best used for situations when you need to heal your monsters. Beware of Timestrikers/Timemassacrers, as they can deal some damage to it when it uses it’s Healing Touch ability!



Can heal monsters very well

Has the best HP stat in the game

Has the best skillset to compliment it’s high HP.

Can heal itself over time.



Has a poor attack for a Legendary.

Cannot execute it’s first move in a decent amount of time (has the worst speed on record for a Legendary Monster.)

Is not an offensive monster


Recommended Strategies:

Healing Allies (Via the move “Healing Touch”, a move exclusive to this monster)

Healing Self when low on HP (Via the move Rest. This move can be found on other monsters)

Curing Poison and Sleep (Via the move purify)

Countering a Poison-Based Team (It’s immune to Poison, and can cure poison too.)



Strategies not Recommended:

Using it for an all out attack (it has a fairly low attack power for a legendary. Only attack when necessary or as a last resort… focus on healing and curing your allies)

Having it as the last monster on your team (Defeats the point of using it when it can’t heal your best monsters up front, and it’s assist skill does little to nothing if it’s the last monster alive.)

Using Rest when there is a Dreamhunting monster on your opponent’s side of the field

Countering a Sleep Team (It won’t be able to utilize it’s Rest ability to the fullest extent if it’s being put to sleep before it can use it’s ability.) without the aid of another Purifying monster (If that monster can wake up this monster so it can use the Rest and Healing Touch move, then you may stand a chance.)

Countering a Stun&Strike Team (If it’s stunned, the time counter will go up, and could possibly go into the high 100s or even 200s, making it vulnerable to Timestrike)







Monster Idea #2 (Moderate Priority)

Based On: Faerie Dragon

Body Color: Yellow

Wing Type: Fairy Wings


Example of a beautiful Fairy Dragon: 

Element: Neo/Aura/Light

Best Stat: SPD

Good Stat: ATK

Bad Stat: DEF

Worst Stat: HP


Base HP: ??? (1/4 of Maxed Out Base HP)

Max HP: ??? (1/4 of Maxed Out Max HP)

Base ATK: ??? (3/4 of Maxed out Base ATK)

Max ATK: ??? (3/4 of Maxed out Max ATK)
Base DEF: ??? (2/4 of Maxed out Base DEF)

Max DEF: ???  (2/4 of Maxed out Max DEF)

Base SPD: ??% (Maxed out Base SPD)

Max SPD: 100% (Maxed out Max SPD)


Active 1: Supernova (All) > Meganova (All) > Giganova (All) > Ultranova (All)

Active 2: Give Turn

Active 3: Stun Flash

Active 4: Assisted Acceleration

Passive 1: Speed Boost / Stun Absorb

Passive 2: Stun Immunity


Form: Initial

Name: Fa


Form: Evolution

Name: Faey


Form: Evolution

Name: Faeydr


Form: Ultra-Evolution

Name: Faeydria



Give Turn: Already in-game


Stun Flash: Already in-game


Assisted Acceleration:  The number of turn seconds for a selected monster’s skills is decreased by a certain amount for each monster on the user’s side of the field. For every 4% on a monster’s speed stat, the amount to decrease is increased by 1 second. This means, 4 monsters with 100% speed will decrease the number of seconds by 100. The lowest possible decrease is 1, regardless of lower calculations. Can be used multiple times, but applies only once to each monster. Exclusive to Fa, Faey, Faeydr, and Faeydria. A skill cannot go below 10 seconds. Seconds: 50

Speed Boost: After every turn this creature takes, the number of seconds on each of this creature’s skills is decreased by 10. A skill cannot go below 10 seconds. Exclusive to Fa, Faey, Faeydr, and Faeydria.


Function: It’s a very fast, very agile monster with many options. You can outspeed your opponent and go in for a harsh attack; give it’s turn to another monster so that it can perform a decisive skill; Stun your opponents so they cannot move; and/or decrease the time it takes to perform moves for a monster.


The Fastest Monster in the game.

The Best Skill Set to go with a fast monster.

A decent attack power.


Gets KO’ed rather quickly.

Has somewhat a low HP.

Cannot take an all-out-assault hit.

Is vulnerable when asleep.

Recommended Strategies:

Boosting a Speed Team even further.

Speeding up slow, defensive monsters.

Stunning the opposing team.

Countering a Stun/Timestrike Team

Putting it up front.

Strategies Not Recommended:

Using it without support or protection (It’s poor HP and low DEF make it an easy target for virtually any decent monster. Make sure to protect it, boost it’s defense, or heal it before it gets knocked out)

Countering a Sleep-Based Team (It cannot utilize it’s speed moves if it’s asleep! And worse yet, Dreamhunt or Dream Massacre will most likely Knock it out in one hit)

Countering a Poison-Based Team (It has the worst HP and a fairly low HEF, and thus, a move like Poison Eater or Poison Massacre while it’s posioned will most likely knock it out in one hit)

Putting it at the rear of the team (It’s assisted skill does nothing if it’s the last monster alive. Also, as the last monster alive, it’s probably a goner anyway.)

Monster Idea #3

Based On: Biped Drake

Body Color: Black

Wing Color: Flames

Tail Tip: Golden Star

Element: Neo/Aura/Dark

Best Stat: ATK

Good Stat: SPD

Bad Stat: HP

Worst Stat: DEF


Base HP: ??? (2/4 Maxed Out Base HP)

Max HP: ??? (2/4 Maxed Out Max HP)

Base ATK: ??? (Maxed out Base ATK)

Max ATK: ??? (Maxed out Max ATK)
Base DEF: ??? (3/4 of Maxed out Base DEF)

Max DEF: ???  (3/4 of Maxed out Max DEF)

Base SPD: ??% (1/4 of Maxed out Base SPD)

Max SPD: 50% (1/4 of Maxed out Max SPD)


Active 1: Superdusk (All) > Megadusk (All) > Gigadusk (All) > Ultradusk (All)

Active 2: No Guard

Active 3: Protector Massacre

Active 4: Assisted Attack

Passive 1: Magnitude / Sleep Absorb

Passive 2: Sleep Immunity


Form: Initial

Name: Sha


Form: Evolution

Name: Shadow


Form: Evolution

Name: Shadowcha


Form: Ultra-Evolution

Name: Shadowchakra



No Guard: Already in-game. Adds it’s DEF stat value to it’s ATK stat value, then reduces it’s DEF value to zero. (Fighting this? Try attacking it for massive damage done to this monster)


Protector Massacre: Deals critical damage to all Protector monsters. Deals normal damage to all other monsters.  Exclusive to Sha, Shadow, Shadowcha, and Shadowchakra Seconds: 100


Assisted Attack: Adds every teammate’s ATK stat value together. The total value added up is then added to a selected monster’s ATK stat. Unlimited uses. Works only once on each monster. Exclusive to Sha, Shadow, Shadowcha, and Shadowchakra Seconds: 50


Magnitude: Once for every opposing monster, when this monster attacks an opposing monster, if the DEF stat of the opposing monster is higher than the ATK stat of this monster, it adds half of the opposing monster’s DEF stat value to its own ATK stat value. This is an accumulative skill. Exclusive to Sha, Shadow, Shadowcha, and Shadowchakra



Function: It’s sole purpose its for an All-Out-Attack. You can attack the enemy and overpower them, pump up your teammate’s power, make the user’s ATK power go through the roof for an all out one-hit-KO, and boost your teammate’s ATK even further!



The highest attack power and stats possible in the game.

It’s own Attack stat can go through the roof if used correctly.

Can be used for an All Out Assault

Is fairly quick

Has immunity to sleep



Defense is the worst defense of any legendary in the game

Has a poor HP

Cannot take a powerful attack.

Cannot raise it’s defenses on it’s own


Recommended Strategies:

Overpowering your opponents

Countering a defensive team (It can add half of an opponent’s defense stat to its own attack stat, and also use protector killer against protective monsters)

Countering a Sleep Team.

Putting it up front


Strategies not Recommended:

Facing off an entire team on it’s own (Even though its got the strongest attack, it’s nothing compared to a team consisting of decent monsters well-arranged. A few hits from a team like that should knock it out.)

No Support Monsters (Even though it’s the strongest monster (by ATK stat) in the game, if it’s knocked out first, then your first lineup strategy might be gone.)

Putting it at the rear of the team (It’s assisted skill is useless if this happens… and with no monsters left, it’s on it’s own.)



Monster Idea #4

Based On: Angel Dragon

Body Color: Violet

Wing Type: Feathers


Element: Neo/Aura/Dark

Best Stat: DEF

Good Stat: HP

Bad Stat: SPD

Worst Stat: ATK


Base HP: ??? (3/4 of Maxed Out Base HP)

Max HP: ??? (3/4 of Maxed Out Max HP)

Base ATK: ??? (1/4 of Maxed out Base ATK)

Max ATK: ??? (1/4 of Maxed out Max ATK)
Base DEF: ??? (Maxed out Base DEF)

Max DEF: ???  (Maxed out Max DEF)

Base SPD: ??% (2/4 of Maxed out Base SPD)

Max SPD: 25% (2/4 of Maxed out Max SPD)

Active 1: Superspite > Megaspite > Gigaspite > Ultraspite

Active 2: All Guard

Active 3: Stealth Protection

Active 4: Assisted Defense

Passive 1: Fortitude / Death Absorb

Passive 2: Death Immunity


Form: Initial



Form: Evolution



Form: Evolution



Form: Utlra-Evolution





All Guard: Adds the ATK stat value to it’s DEF value, then reduces it’s ATK stat value to 0. (Fighting this? Remember, if the ATK stat value is 0, it won’t do much damage unless it’s ATK stat changes.)


Stealth Protection: Protects all teammates, except itself, from any and all attacks, including “dual” and “all” attacks.  Exclusive to Mon, Daemon, Maldaemon, and Primaldaemon. Seconds: 100


Assisted Defense: Adds the DEF Stat value of all teammates on the field together. A selected teammate gains has that value added to its DEF stat. Unlimited Uses. Works only once on each monster. Exclusive to Mon, Daemon, Maldaemon, and Primaldaemon. Seconds: 50


Fortitude: Once for every opposing monster, when this monster is attacked by an opposing monster, if the ATK stat of the opposing monster is higher than the DEF stat of this monster, it adds half of the opposing monster’s ATK stat value to its own DEF stat value. This is an accumulative skill. Exclusive to Mon, Daemon, Maldaemon, and Primaldaemon



Function: It’s the best defensive monster in the game. It can protect it’s teammates, and it’s defensive stat can go through the roof. It can tank any attack, and will never die in one hit. Even monsters with the highest attack are going to have a fairly difficult time taking down this beast.



The best DEF stat available in the game

A high HP stat to compliment it’s DEF

Can tank any attack from any monster

Can protect it’s teammates.

Can negate any death moves that target it.



Has the worst ATK stat for a legendary in the game

Has a low SPD stat.

Cannot fend off a decent team on it’s own (It will eventually die, even with it’s high HP and massive DEF)

Is vulnerable to Sleep, Stun, and Poison and the attacks that target those conditional ailments.


Recommended Strategies:

Using it at the front-line

Protecting easily killed and essential Teammates

Countering a Death-Based Team

Raising allies’ defense


Strategies not recommended:

Having it a the rear of the team (It cannot use it’s Assist skill if it’s the last monster alive, and it’s defensive capabilities are pointless in this case.)

Countering a Stun&Strike Team (It will take some damage from timestrike right after being stunned.)

Countering a Sleep Team (Being asleep is bad, due to the Dreamhunt and Dream Massacre moves. And if it didn’t get a chance to protect it’s teammates, then your teammates are doomed.)

Countering a Poison team. (Poison Eater and Poison massacre will do a lot of damage to this monster.)



The Legendary Quartet:



The four monsters listed above are powerful, but still, just another regular legendary monster when used alone. However, if all four monsters are together on the field at the same time, they become an almost unstoppable force.


* = Does not occur if a skill or condition above the action is met.


Example of Turn-by-Turn for the Legendary Quartet:

  1. Faeydria makes the first move, as always. She gives her turn to Primaldaemon

1.5 Primaldaemon protects it’s teammates.

2 Primaldaemon takes the hit from virtually any attack.

3a. Shadowchakra uses protector massacre to rid the field of protecting monsters

3b. Shadowchakra uses Assisted Attack on itself

4 Primaldaemon takes the next hit.

5 Amaurora skips her turn.

6 Primaldaemon takes the next hit.

7, Amaurora skips her turn / Amaurora uses Assisted Healing on Primaldaemon

  1. Primaldaemon takes the final hit of the round (It may be KO’ed now)

9.* Amaurora uses Assisted Healing on Primaldaemon (If it didn’t use it previously)

  1. Primaldaemon takes the next hit. 

11a. Shadowchakra uses Protector Massacre to rid the field of protecting monsters

11b. Shadowchakra uses Assisted Attack on Primaldaemon (Preparing for Primaldaemon’s All Guard)

  1. Primaldaemon takes the next hit

13.* Amaurora skips her turn

  1. Primaldaemon uses Assisted Defense on itself

  2. Primaldaemon takes the next hit

  3. Amaurora skips her turn.

  4. Primaldaemon takes the next hit

  5. Amaurora uses Healing Touch on Ormaldaemon

19a. Shadowchakra uses Assisted Attack on Primaldaemon (Preparing for Primaldaemon’s All Guard)

19b. Shadowchakra uses Assisted Attack on Faeydria

  1. Faeydria uses Stun Flash

  2. Primaldaemon uses All Guard

22a. Shadowchakra uses Assisted Attack on itself.

22b. Shadowchakra uses Assisted attack on Amaurora

  1. Primaldaemon uses Assisted Defense on Shadowchakra (Preparing for Shadowchakra’s No Guard)

  2. Shadowchakra uses No Guard

  3. Faeydria uses Assisted Acceleration on Amaurora

  4. Primaldaemon uses Assisted Defense on either Faeydria or Aurora

27a. Shadowchakra uses Assisted Attack on Amaurora

27b. Shadowchakra uses Ultradusk (All)

  1. Faeydria uses Assisted Acceleration on Shadowchakra

  2. Primaldaemon uses Assisted Defense on either Faeydria or Aurora

30a. Shadowchakra uses Ultradusk (All)

  1. Primaldaemon takes the next hit

  2. Faeydria uses Assisted Acceleration on Primaldaemon

  3. Primaldaemon takes the next hit

  4. Primaldaemon uses Ultraspite

  5. Primaldaemon takes the next hit

  6. Faeydria uses Give Turn to Amaurora

36.5 Amaurora uses Healing Touch on Primaldaemon


  1. Primaldaemon takes the next hit.

  2. Primaldaemon takes the next hit.

39b. Shadowchakra uses Ultradusk (All)

  1. Primaldaemon uses Ultraspite

  2. Primaldaemon takes the next hit.

42a. Shadowchakra uses Ultradusk (All)

  1. Faeydria uses Give Turn to Amaurora

44.5 Amaurora uses Healing Touch on Primaldaemon

Repeat To Win (The turn order may actually vary)


How to counter:


First of all, you’ll need your own legendary, and you’ll need one with protector killer. First, rid the field of Primaldaemon, and do it as quick as you can. Perhaps 2 or more protector killers would work, however, that just takes away from any other combos you can use. About 4 to 6 (?) hits from protector killer should be enough, but you’ll have to act fast. After that, deal with Shadowchakra… he’s the most dangerous when at full power. One to two hits should do the trick. After that, make sure you take out Faeydria… her speed is simply unmatchable, and her consistant turn giving can give Amaurora the edge of repetitive healing. About one hit should knock her down. After that, focus on the healer… her SPD makes her an easy target once Faeydria is not supporting her. About 3 to 4 decent hits should be enough. After that, deal with rest of the 12 monsters your opponents have.


You can also try a few tried and true tactics. Onicage is fast, immune to stun, and can stun the opponents in the beginning. You can also try to Switch Places with a Stunning Entrance monster in the rear of your lineup.


If you can, put the enemy to sleep as fast as possible. Even though Shadowchakra won’t be affected, he cannot awaken the opponents, so he’s basically all alone.


If you can manage, Death Sentence may be an optimal choice to take out three of the quartet.


Poison is not a good choice, since Amaurora can purify the team and is immune to it.


However, it will all fail if you cannot stop Primaldaemon from using Stealth Protection in time. His Stealth Protection causes all types of attacks and status effects, including sleep, stun, death, and poison, to be directed towards him and only him.


It is hard, but not impossible, to counter.


I figure I did a good job making some well rounded legendaries. I didn’t make them too powerful, nor did I make them too weak. I gave them positives, and they also have negatives. They’re not “god-modded” monsters, and yet, they’re not “innocent victim” monsters. They seem to be “just right”. And they seem to form a powerful combo! They deserve to be added.


After a days worth of typing, I’m finally done, and my fingers are numb. That’s all for now folks! Post your monster ideas away!

Love the game. Very disappointed however with the lack of monster fusion. This was a great feature in HI and fighting other trainers with fusion monsters while not being able to have them is frustrating. I feel like the horse that will never get the carrot.

Thanks for the input, however, this belongs in the the suggestion box thread.

I like cute monster that looks like a bunny with long ears and tail.

Anyone have any other suggestions for monsters?